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Everything posted by MrMxyptlk

  1. People try to jump the line at Target every year here. They gather about 5 minutes before the doors open to try to overrun the line and push their way in. This year security did a great job, I didn't see one person make it through, even though there was only one guy from security out there. An older lady tried to inch her way in and he held her off. She appeared to think she shouldn't have to wait in line due to her age and was getting fairly rude with security but he remained calm and didn't let her through.
  2. Wal-Mart - Went for the $300 HP laptop. Only got there about 3am but tried for the laptop anyway. The line had barely 40 people. After the tickets were handed out we were told we had to stay in line until the laptops were handed out, so we waited. Unfortunately they ended up giving out more tickets than they had laptops! 74 tickets for less than 40 laptops... which didn't work out so well being 45th with a ticket. No compensation was given on the spot, however after calling they said they were aware of the problem will be fielding calls about "this issue" on Monday... still have the ticket that says 74 items were available and the ad so hopefully I will get something for this. Went to Target and got the last two coffee makers and a crock pot for a total of 9.74 Best Buy for some $10 Smallville That's it for me, not a big list but I got most of what I wanted. Now I just have to get some compensation from Walmart.
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