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About starbeck96

  • Birthday August 10

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  1. Happy December 1st!
  2. We are thinking of getting our daughter an Ipad. I know nothing about them and reading the differences really have not helped..lol I know I need one that will work with cellular and wi-fi. She is 18 and is not a gamer so that aspect is not important. She plays piano and sings in church all the time. So, she has said she would love to have one for all of her lyrics instead of having to keep her big binder with her all the time. She would also use it for Facetime and maybe stream movies. She will be starting college next fall as well (for cosmetology) and I've read that you can use ipads to take notes. What does everyone suggest to buy for this type of usage?
  3. I just saw this too. I'll definitely be checking it out
  4. The only thing I bought from this sale was a new bike for our 7 year old nephew since he has outgrown his. If there is anything in the store Friday that we decide to get, then we will get it then.
  5. Here is what I would buy if I had 1000.00 Walmart Mixing bowl set....$ 10.00 Playpen....$ 89.00 Ashley Furniture Reclining sofa.....$ 899.00 Total: $ 998.00
  6. Walmart + member here. I was able to get the 50" Hisense TV and a wall mount. We are expecting our first grandbaby in March (baby girl), so I bought my son and daughter in law a playpen. I also got the felt tip pens for my daughter and the two pack slow cookers. I really didn't have a lot on my list this year. I do want to go back and maybe get the pyrex glass set.
  7. My thoughts exactly! The only thing I might be interested in are the beats headphones and the 50" TV as an upgrade in my and hubby's bedroom.
  8. My daughter (18) has asked for makeup, hair stuff, and perfume. Oh and she has asked for a pair of Birkenstock. We will probably give her money so she can buy clothes as well. I am hoping to be able to get a new laptop (mine is 6 years old) and maybe a new TV for mine and hubby's bedroom. We still have a 32" so want to upgrade. Not really sure what else.
  9. The 5.99 5-drawer chests and the table tennis table for 24.00.
  10. My husband doesn't have bluetooth in his work vehicle. He loves listening to music so this will make a nice gift for him. https://www.amazon.com/CHIFENCHY-Portable-Bluetooth-Powerful-Waterproof/dp/B0CX1FRR27/ref=sr_1_4?crid=D90HSSPYCX61&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eENKlT-8dFTcdjHB6_suYMTvjwraS77ffF5Q7cVH6I6IuEb38ZVgq3DZcNxLRpgBnXtD3BEI9O8-s8lBOuFuN8ppE7prKtjnHEOgQafb2h19FlshJZgC-B3cdB5z3j-YzLDURMKTWguqMJvoVYpNP1PnNW23BB5APY528k9HzYBtyl3NxY8nHsptKNEbhVbCv7yagvWimPgNBXy3pMFuG6t--ZgAN9Y5sJblrpvjllM.TXnEnK1bByroBSkQg-Jtiq1JYOa4K9rrpykDjoJgeQ0&dib_tag=se&keywords=blue%2Btooth%2Bspeaker&qid=1729959553&sprefix=blue%2Btooth%2Bspe%2Caps%2C453&sr=8-4&th=1
  11. This would be a great gift for someone who enjoys cooking and doesn't already have one. https://www.amazon.com/MuellerLiving-Blender-Immersion-Mixer-Attachments/dp/B075X1KPLZ/ref=sr_1_4?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qas4sdnEwaHms14xO8Ow1ftTcWQLelLUfqjAsCfNs1t-DdRbX-ofZQtYQRfsr04hNoycnLGMggG1o5h3mVvaeT_zeJ8FVbG6Mt1Ut3Q45hoRbVaGQJY5K_w60yPNqgUZBurNUawoWHN8A95nE6wM11mUrjXN1PReutWEtJyrpBJB8m4c8GE_9_v82vjWZr56r9eBxM9eeqdPNdjSnd8PYPEyebPU68s2Vh1zT_O-zw0.L_Wa9fkT1g9q1ueOS8deIzeVGIqv4dSP_nYXyftxklE&dib_tag=se&keywords=immersion+blender&qid=1729959056&sr=8-4
  12. My daughter has asked for a good camera this year. I've seen a lot of good reviews about this one... https://www.amazon.com/Canon-Rebel-T7-18-55mm-II/dp/B07C2Z21X5/ref=sr_1_5?crid=X79R24VOUGDA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.op7P-hOeC86_lgeiCWladCgqeXFf9Eh4_z4v-L63YPu0TQHmYPKm_M8TM77aY6KoHQoo1yGtKvn0hN3-UC5xvj8T_ave4M8ZOGPkvRWaWQkS63at5ZL6WTfcWc7EvgrDozd2myGNntnfnhUZjF_BoL3bNcygeQcb3QkJlRkBUzLeBtk57mGNCQfyVgCYqj9hLg0aXvu27rQWUisoKCTkkAF6KJK1BQduRF7cHN4e3Dg.kUWQ9TyQhse5Yc_GPCq4fo9VZYbZ-two5yZsFwreUqA&dib_tag=se&keywords=camera&qid=1729958826&sprefix=camera%2Caps%2C279&sr=8-5
  13. Our 80 pound pitt/lab mix (almost 2 years old) loves these and they last for several months (which is great for this breed since they chew on everything..lol). She will receive Christmas gifts too. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003SN5YKC/ref=twister_B0DK22C4DK?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
  14. I am a teacher at a christian school. Our school uses a mix of videos and us teaching. When the students watch videos they like to watch with the lights off. While they are watching their video I am usually trying to grade papers or do other work. So, a lamp like this would be nice so I can actually see what I'm doing. https://www.amazon.com/Control-Brightness-Dimmable-Adjustable-Foldable/dp/B08923SXXP/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=39A5P09JYYE1B&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AdP_BOcS7RwgSRl2__MZjZpFob-eg-VczMLT7aS44iN0TN2Qwnn4NJrTXTX46VplqSIkPT6GhABGseDE4tUQNeeLQ7w6JO7HvVW8sLiPAomgASKDi0zNUUVsPpc41i9bIAXcfXsWMLm34Fr4e1p_so9ltqJB6MB8UhItXlrVHzFmtEiwQVsDLSXHfWdsOI6-49ptn1avEyc3pSfvSe2KiT8jSSkhtX8PQi17GYN5uHIx56OidPNhBwBGeQVgRYNhnCPWzYFq1BcovmLqGQCd-zM--0cTsTS730n8H-8sm5M.3EOk-hQaU79ra6vIqGE_Rh1pFmlUu0i0kfFptcMeq90&dib_tag=se&keywords=desk+lamp&qid=1729478518&sprefix=desk+lamp%2Caps%2C252&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1
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