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About georgiapeach717

  • Birthday 07/17/1982
  1. i wish it was 24 hours already! i found one fuzzy local station today while i was out and forgot my christmas CDs but it was too staticy.
  2. i love the scavenger hunt idea!
  3. elmck, i am still wondering about the wii fit vs. the wii active. I think I like the look of the active better....plus i hear the wii fit can be downright mean, LOL!
  4. me too....i am still tempted, but the 49.99 would have been nicer!!
  5. hmmm that is VERY tempting....does anyone have any experience with this one?
  6. i love everyone's frivilous both big and small! and ummm....PASS THE JERKY!!!
  7. i got my brother a hoodie and pair of jeans for 37 shipped....i wish I had a free shipping vode too though does anyone know if they are having this same sale in the store?
  8. If you could have ONE really frivilous, never would spend that on yourself, rediculously over priced item this year left by Santa himself under your tree, what would it be? I have decided mine would be this Kurieg(sp?) coffee maker. I think it looks like the coolest thing, but could never spend that much on a coffee maker for me since I am the only coffee drinker in my household! :) Yours?
  9. the jerk remark always ruffled my feathers.
  10. i love charlie brown christmas (and I want a dog for christmas, charlie brown) both 2 of my all time favs! Linus' speech gets me teary every time!
  11. YAY!!!! my thanksgiving morning tradition continues!!!
  12. we all know how i feel LOL, obviously my answer was 8-10 (with shipping if need be)
  13. rogue got my idea. I love the idea of the whole fish bowl under the tree with a ribbon...now THAT would show the true power of santa and his multitasking skills! ha! santa's mulitasking skills.....if only they appreciated "Mrs Santa's" every day mutitasking skills as much as they do his on one stinkin' night!!! LOL!!!
  14. oh and Good Job Brad! and all the people behind GottaDeal's success!
  15. is it just me or does it seem like Black Friday is being hyped up a bit more a bit earlier this year? I may have just been sleep deprived with a baby before, but I dont recall this much coverage this early on Yahoo's page. Makes me think that this may be a year for really huge crowds between the economy and the press coverage already.
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