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Everything posted by nhughes

  1. A nice DSLR Digital camera with HD Video. I'd like to do some freelancing and stuff.
  2. Do these shirts usually run a little bigger in size? I take a XL, but just wondering if I should take the large or not.
  3. In years past, I've always sought out the best deals in general. But, this year I'm going to get more gifts for my family. A good job and a balanced budget will make a difference this shopping season.
  4. I'm going with Best Buy and Office Max. The one year I got a real good deal on a computer and was first in line. 5 years later, it's still working
  5. A lot of mixed reactions. Great feedback.
  6. That's a great idea! Didn't think about it. It probably doesn't seem like much at first, but when they add up, it's game on for shopping!
  7. Congrats to the all the winners. Nice going!
  8. When push comes to sholve, is it really worth getting angry over missing a deal or someone rudely interupting your shopping trip? Those long lines can be stressful enough. So, what are some ways you deal with rude people on Black Friday? I'll be honest. I just ignore them and just keep doin on what I'm doin'.
  9. If I can't find anything good in the general retail stores, then Dollar Tree is the best place to buy.
  10. This is a fun contest. Here's what I came up with. 1. We are just 'tentatively' waiting for these doors to open! 2. Black Friday. You know what? I don't see color. I just see people. I will be calling it Friday. 3. Black Friday: Supermarket Sweep Edition without the carts.
  11. Congrats to all. Great contest!
  12. I didnt know they did that..How much do they offer for that?
  13. That swagbucks site is great. I paid for my college books with that!
  14. The t-shirts are a must have!!. People will be noticing that nice fancy design.
  15. As with each year, it seems like the cost of everything is going up, except our paychecks. There are some good apps on mobile out there that you can save money on. A lot of stores have Reward programs, too. So question is, how do you save on Black Friday and which is the most rewarding to you? I personally like to stack up on coupons in the papers. Also, if you have a cell phone, there is an app called ''Shopkick,'' A mobile friendly device that lets you scan products for points in retail stores. Scan selected products on your phone, add up enough points, and you get yourself a beautiful reward of your choosing. (For example: if you shopped at Target, for 1,500 points you can obtain a $10 Gift card). All you do is bring your phone up to the register and they scan the barcode on your phone. Thoughts?
  16. The dollar store has there Christmas items up already! This just gave me an idea..We should have a contest and do a Gottadeal.com commercial? Whacha think everyone?
  17. I'll be doing debit card and Paypal. Debit card because my bank offers rewards for certain stores that you shop at. Paypal because I shop on there a lot and as you know, it takes a while sometimes for the funds to transfer to your account.
  18. Very nice! Who designed this? They deserve an award!!
  19. Good idea! Count me in!
  20. Doesn't seem like they say that every year? I have no plans on cutting back. Coupons and money-saving apps for the win!
  21. This is certainly the best time of the year. And with a new job, I can afford to buy more things this year! Does anyone use Shopkick? That's probably the best app out there to save on money!
  22. Well I've been shutout with these contests so far, but I want to get a tee shirt List of Ideas: 1. Do a Twitter Trivia Contest--Ask a question and first person to get the right answer wins. 2. Hand out GottaDeal business cards and see if your favorite place will take a photograph with you. Most photos wins (Of course with photo permission_ 3.Do an internet scanvenger hunt..Give us three clues to find the exact item and exact price..The person with the exact or closest to the linked page win. 4. Have a graphic design contest-where anyone is open to design a holiday-oreinted GottaDeal logo or animation. 5. Have any member upload their OWN Black-Friday style webcast and make up their own content..Most votes wins. 6. Do a call-in show with the Black Friday Webcast..''The'' X caller would win the t-shirt. 7.Recruit some members. Send referrals to potential shoppers/black friday people..Member with the most referral wins. 8. Do a gift -card contest..I think you have it last year where the member with the most deals posted wins. Well those are some ideas..Hope this helps Happy Shopping!
  23. This un-confirmed but talked to a Wal-mart worked yesterday and said they'll be opening early this year. She has to be there early on thanksgiving..Again, cannot confirm.
  24. One sale is a steal. One website knows the bigs deals. Gotta Deal dot com.
  25. PHOTO #1 The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. PHOTO #2 I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist. PHOTO #3 Going to sell my records outta shopping carts on the street.
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