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Everything posted by nhughes

  1. I plan on Periscoping from my area. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area!
  2. Not entirely impressed. The only thing I see is the 55'' Tv for $249.
  3. VERY disappointed in this ad. There is nothing in this Ad that makes me want to get in line early. Since a majoirty of you believe this ad stinks, I have a sense that maybe there is something else coming out. Also, what else is not that clear is the hours. Will they close early? Will there be a seperate sale for Friday?
  4. WOOHOO I won! Thanks for the contest. For everyone that will be wearing the shirts, we should come up with a Twitter hashtag on Black Friday! #GottaDealSwag
  5. Another store with free gift cards, that seems to be the trend this season.
  6. Black Friday starts on Wednesday? LOL someone is jumping the gun way too early.. Very confusing ad.
  7. Besides the free gift card, nothing really special here, but what do you want for a craft store LOL.
  8. The Inspiron Small Desktop PC is a good deal.
  9. Bonton (East Coast) has a coupon for the next week. $10 off your $25 purchase or more.
  10. Thats an unique map, nice job!
  11. I agree. I thought the computers were priced a bit high.
  12. Not really impressed with the Harbor Freight, although one doesn't expect it to be huge. I did find it odd to have a laddar on the front page of the ad.
  13. That retro section they have its pretty unique. I may just go to get the Totebag
  14. Hope to see the webcasts. Anyhow, this new App on Twitter could be really exciting. It's called Periscope for Twitter. It's basically a live streaming video on your Twitter. That could be kinda cool for Black Friday shoppers. I may give it a whirl this year.
  15. This is exciting. Isn't more thrilling when they all come out at once?!
  16. Great point. Given the difference of hours with Thanksgiving and the morning of Black Friday, there is a different feel to it. Personally, I wish stores would go back to the regular Black Friday morning hours, but this isn't the case for some stores. It's about making more money. My thought is, you can have a nice meal with family on Thanksgiving, socialize, and get a few hours sleep before waking up for shopping.
  17. Usually go with a friend, but when its comes to shopping, alone is the best option. The usual is to eat breakfast together afterwards.
  18. Update: An article was published today stating, these 10 stores will NOT open on Thanksgiving. You may know of some of them already. 1. DSW 2.P.C. Richard & Son 3. Nordstrom 4. Costco 5. TJ Maxx 6. Staples 7. GameStop 8. REI 9. Half Price Books 10. Neiman Marcus
  19. When the first real big ads come out!
  20. Thanks for the contest, Brad! 1. Approximately how many years have you been shopping on Black Friday?-- Since 2010. 2. Do you plan to spend more, less or the same amount of money during Black Friday week this year?--More money due to different job. 3. Do you plan on shopping online during Black Friday week this year?--No, it's not as exciting as waiting in the big lines in the stores. 4. How many people do you plan on shopping with on Black Friday this year?--Not sure, possibly with 2 family members. 5. If you could make stores change one thing about Black Friday besides opening times, what would it be?--Have more dealbusters in stock. It seems like they only carry minimal quantities of items that are on sale. Deadline for entering is 9pm EST on November 3rd. Winners will be announced on November 4th.
  21. Wilkes-Barre, Pa and Possible Stroudsburg, Pa in the Poconos!
  22. Wow, $300? That's an amazing amount of savings!!
  23. I only have one, hoping to get a few more this year though.
  24. Thanks, Brad!
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