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Everything posted by MarkdownQueen

  1. This is what I scored today for my 4 year old daughter.
  2. Today, I found Skylanders Portal Owners Pack $49.99 for 3DS for $14.98. They also had it for the Xbox 360 too. I was able to use the 10% cartwheel along with my red card and paid only $13.42.
  3. I scored some free food items today, because I stacked them with coupons. My best score of the day were these men's Mossimo boxer briefs. They were all .59 ea. except for the ones that say happy elfin, those were .39. I bought a total of 12 pairs and still left plenty for others. They were in the men's department mixed in with the original priced briefs. I knew to look for these because of another site I frequent. You should be able to find these too, because these are a hidden find. Happy hunting and let me know if you find them too!
  4. Pier 1 went 75% off today. I got some really nice stuff for next year (Reindeer, Gingerbread, Christmas balls, etc) might be worth a look if you have a Pier 1 near you. Sears is also at 70%.
  5. There is also a oven mitten to match it too. When I checked out the one had didn't have a price. I was being lazy and didn't want to wait. I will probably go today and buy it, they had quite a few left over. I didn't find many bows either. Try Walgreens and CVS if you have one in your area. Keep us posted, if you find 90%.
  6. I also scored stuff at Kirklands, Michael's on Friday for 75%. Walmart was at 50%. The pictures are in the order posted.
  7. Yes, they did the same at the 2 Targets I visited too. I didn't want to take a chance and wait for 90. This is what I scored today.
  8. This is what I scored from 2 different Targets at 70%.
  9. Today, I hit the 70% mother load and was able to find a ton of BTS items (compasses, paper, dry erase boards, cork boards, scissors, binders, paper clips, magnets). Found a ton of scotch tape but didn't buy any, I still had a ton left from last Christmas. Sally Hansen nail polish also found a Coleman instant canopy tent originally priced $99.99 for $29.99, also an Oral B professional care electric toothbrush (it comes with an extra electric toothbrush)$124.99 for $31.24. Men's Wrangler black shorts $4.48. I took pictures and am trying to post them, but for some reason they are not posting.
  10. One of good friends that is a Team leader on the price change team, told me that they haven't received the word from corporate for 90% yet.
  11. I went to Target not even thinking about Halloween anymore and stumbled across some 90% goodies. Here's what I found and bought: 1 Super dog cape $0.90 10 bags of caramel popcorn $0.19 1 Brownie mix $0.29 2 Candy corn bark $0.29 2 Brittle 3 hot cocoa mixes $0.29 2 smores bark $0.29 They still had a bunch left. All of the these snacks will make great Christmas snack gifts.
  12. I couldn't resist not going today and the voices in my head made me do it! Especially after yesterday's haul LOL! Boy I am glad I did though, the Target is in an area where most of their shoppers are elderly. This is what I scored today: (2) Disney princess Sparkle Tiana's $5.96 (2) Tiana's car $6.58ea. (1) Disney Rapunzel tiara set $3.88 (1) Kreo mirage $3.58 (1) University of Miami women's t-shirt $5.38 Total spent after 5% redcard discount $38.18
  13. Today was a great shopping day. I hit 4 stores and was able to find some good deals at 3 stores. Last week I did a recon mission and knew which store I wanted to start at, they had a bunch of good stuff. When I arrived there were only 2 other people stocking up. This is what I bought today from 3 different stores: Minnie Mouse electronic musical cash register 086-02-2716 $4.48 Mario Kart remote control car 087-05-0784 $16.50 Wario remote control car 087-05-0220 $5.98 Hot wheels large monster jam truck (grave digger & dog) 087-07-1453 $4.78ea. (2) Lil mommy scrub a dub dolls 086-04-0258 $4.48ea. Moxie girl doll 086-02-0056 $9.94 Moxie girl doll 086-02-1018 $5.98 Spygear 087-02-0069 $7.48 Spygear audio 087-02-0467 $8.42 Mega blocks (boys) 204-07-0236 $8.24 Mega blocks (girls) 204-07-0236 $8.24 Minnie Mouse talking cellphone 086-02-0277 $2.38 My Look jewelry designer set 086-08-1085 $6.14 Barbie suds and hugs doll 086-06-1131 $6.28 Barbie hairstatic doll 086-06-1131 $5.38 Leapfrog learn to read 4 book set 204-04-1146 $4.18 (2) K'nex Mario kart track expansion set 204-07-0849 $6.58ea. Hot Wheels electric loop speedway 087-07-0010 $12.80 Leap frog my own story leap pad (girls) 204-10-0970 $6.86 Dora Explorer Electronic adventure set 086-02-2715 $4.48 DC super friends trio set (batman) 204-07-0773 $10.04 Hot Wheels super stunt builder 204-07-0459 $10.78 Baby Alive wet and wiggles 086-04-0170 $8.98 Paper Jamz guitar strap 087-02-1571 $1.48 Creepy Crawl set 087-06-1166 $4.48 (3) Creepy Crawl refills 087-06-2368 $1.78ea. Circo baby doll diaper bag set $2.98 I spent about $200 for toys. I am all set for Christmas with toys plus I have some from the January toy clearance too!
  14. Today I bought a boys 12' hot wheels bike for 70% and paid $20. I also saved 5% by using my red card. I also lucked out and found 9 bottles of the orange tangerine clearance Sobe water. I bought my daughter more 70% shoes. In the parking lot right next to my car inside a shopping cart, I found a Target coupon mailer that had all sorts of coupons. On the back it had a coupon for a free 2 liter Pepsi. This coupon book is for new people fresh market stores.
  15. I found these marked down to $4.48. I bought 2 pair for my daughter, the color they had were purple, pink, navy blue. The only difference is the ones I bought I the strap across the back, so they can't slip off easy. http://www.target.com/p/Kids-Jibbitz-by-Crocs-Byme-Thong-Sandal-Assorted-Colors/-/A-13903507.
  16. Today I found and bought DJ Hero for the Wii for $14.98, it is originally priced at $79.99.
  17. Today I got the electric one for 70% and paid $29.98.
  18. Today I got the electric one for 70% and paid $29.98.
  19. I found a 40 gallon garbage can for 50% in black with the hands free foot pedestal. These are $40 regular price I paid $19 plus change, saved 5% with Target card. They also have it in stainless steel too. Last week when they were 30% I saw a bunch of those. But when I went to the store to buy it they were all gone. So I grabbed the black one, which still matches my kitchen decor. I am so glad to get one of these my old one which was stainless, the foot pedestal broke and whenever you threw trash in it the bag would drop inside of the can. How annoying is that!
  20. I didn't buy much today! The only thing I really wanted was one of the kitchen sets and I got it! Here's what I bought: (1) Circo play kitchen set $23.98 (1) Spy Gear camera $7.48 (1) MP3 player $7.48 (1) Paper Jamz guitar $5.36 (1) Air Hogs remote car $5.36 (1) Tag Jr. Thomas the tank book $3.24 (1) Lil girls cellphone $2.18 I also found the Disney princess kitchen play set, but didn't buy it because I liked the Circo one better!
  21. On Target.com they have a temporary price cut for the Let's Rock Elmo for $37.49. I think these go for like $54.99 at regular price. I gave in a bought one for my 1 year old, who just adores Elmo. This is the cheapest that I have seen these sell for, I have been stalking all the stores trying to get the best price. I was able to save $5 when you spend $50 and I saved an additional 5% for using my Target card. So I actually paid around $33 for her last Christmas present and I received free shipping (with Target card). If you need one of these before Christmas now is the best time. At that price they will sale out very quickly.
  22. Quick! Run to your nearest Target and purchase the Airwick Freshmatic compact kit! It is on sale for $4.49 this week. There were coupons from 6/1 from smart source that expire today (Sun 8/1) for $4.00 off, if anybody has any of these coupons. I still had 2 coupons and managed to snag two at .49 cents each. These when regularly price are $7.99. Hope this helps!!
  23. I follow the sales too! I also rack up during the back to school clearance sales and get tons of ston at 75% and 90% for the next school year!
  24. Thanks! Good deals! I live in Wellington too!
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