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Everything posted by Elmck

  1. Most of my kids live in other states and are not coming for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas traditions are also changing. The blessings are there but changes are hard. I have decided to find a few things to do each coming year no matter who is doing what.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Tombow-56185-Markers-10-Pack-Blendable/dp/B00JVB8FBA/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=tombow+markers&qid=1573094279&sr=8-2 This was big hit last year for my youngest daughter.
  3. My grandkids ages 6-8 got the 2DS last year and they love them best deal we found was at Target during veteran’s day and using our red card(10 percent off for veterans plus the 5 percent)
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Kiddie-Play-Archery-Target-Arrow/dp/B071W1NSBV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QBQCJ2QV81K5&keywords=discovery+bow+and+arrow+set&qid=1572868679&sprefix=discovery+bow+%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1 This is on my 8 year old granddaughters's list this year.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Instapark-GX-500S-Powered-Darkening-Adjustable/dp/B00L9AXXM2/ref=sr_1_14?crid=319N9RPMBDRVQ&keywords=welders+helmet&qid=1572791469&sprefix=welders%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-14 My son-in-law has ask for one of these helmets. This one gets good reviews and is in my price range.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Uno-Flip/dp/B002UAKLM0/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2TLI2PSPP8U7H&keywords=uno+flip+card+game&qid=1572661452&sprefix=uno+flip%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-2 We love this game!! Two of my grandsons (brothers) play this all the time so much so they need a new deck according to my DIL.
  7. I wonder if they are going to do the golden hanger this year
  8. Walmart Kohl’s Target Michaels would be next
  9. I like the baking sheets archery sets kindles sweaters etc.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Learn-Me-Zebra-Walker/dp/B071D28QND/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2N5IE35PF30VC&keywords=fisher+price+zebra+walker&qid=1572564484&sprefix=fisher+price+zebra%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-1 I want this for my youngest granddaughter. She will be almost 9 months at Christmas
  11. I love having the grand-kids over to make and decorate sugar cookies. Kids grow and families changes so fast that I am not sure how many more years this will last.
  12. I usually get a birthday gift from them in November and I have $10 in rewards for November also. DD has shown me a few clothing items she wants from their so they are next on my list plus some throws.
  13. I got mine in the mail today too!!. Thanks for everything.
  14. I have used the crib dribbler box for baby shower gifts.
  15. Too many blessings to list but here's a few things I am thankful for: my family, friends, church, home, job, health, this country and the men and women who defend it. When I am tempted to murmur and complain I try to remember all I have to be thankful for.
  16. Thank you, Kohls gets quite a bit of my BF budget. However, I wish they still let us use coupons for toys.
  17. We have not started yet and probably won't until the first weekend in December. I have bought a few things but not enough to start the wrapping.
  18. A few things are marked down but not much of a mark down. I want something for my grandson that is marked $10 off but when I factor in the 25% off coupon it makes it much better.
  19. One of my DIL is collecting Disney animated movies so I am looking for those. My sons fiance ants the Golden Girls seasons (last year Barnes and Noble has series 1/2 off)
  20. I would definitely get this for one of my grandsons. I already won too but this was a fun one
  21. One year I was at Best Buy in Chesapeake, VA. Waited outside for a few hours but thankfully was able to get almost everything from there that I wanted. So I go to get in line and of course I'm talking to those around me. I am not sure how long we stood there. But come to fine out it wasn't a line at all!! Thankfully an empoyee realized and got us all straight. My kids to this day tell me," Hey, Mom, make sure you get in a good line!"
  22. i need a new laptop for either me or DD (mine died and I have been sharing hers) However, I have no clue what all the technical stuff means. I use mine mainly for social media, shopping, email, and research for classes I'm taking and teaching. DD is a senior in high school and needs something good for college. I would love a good warranty but have not wanted a touchscreen (not sure why)
  23. I want Melissa and Doug toys for the grand babies. Kindles for 2 older grandsons (5 and 7) and a nice air mattress
  24. I have help so that makes it easier and faster DD16 loves to help and my mom is a great wrapper too. There are to many gifts to get fancy but we love doing it together
  25. I collect ornaments with mice in them (my kids started giving them to me) my oldest son has been getting me the cookie cutter ones from hallmark with little mice inside they make me happy
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