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  1. I was really hoping for the lego star wars AT AT walker to be on sale some where for a sweet deal and it has yet to be seen. My fiance picked up quite a bit last year from TRU but this year I think we are gonna skip it and get a TV at target.
  2. So after looking at the ad this year, I am really disappointed. I thought that last year Toys R US had one of the better ads for the Black Friday season and this year IMO they dont really have to many great deals. Also another thing I dont like, is that the store opens at 10pm but some of the deals dont start till 5am?? So basically if I want a hot item I have to get there at opening (10 pm) and wait around in the store for 7 hrs to check out? yeah thats def not going to happen. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
  3. i guess each target varies cause they told me they wouldnt price match, but this is the only target in 60 miles from me, so i dont have other options with out driving an hour. i am gettin in line in the mornin
  4. yeah i do, i am not gonna fight with target. i would just rather camp out, have fun and get my tv
  5. you guys rent a port-o potty??? i will just go over to the woods if i gotta go in the middle of the night....lol
  6. i checked and the manager said they would not price match items in there bf ad if i purchased them today.
  7. i just went and checked my local target and they have the tv's on the floor but they are 429. i was tempted to buy it now, but one one would give me a def answer on price macthing
  8. i am gettin there on weds
  9. walmart would have to have a deal of a lifetime in order for me to go there. i try to stay away from wm on bf
  10. shoot i love emachines my last 2 desktop were both emachines and had no problem with eiter. i wish someone had a desk top for 150
  11. i am checking taget in the morning to see if the tv is there, if thats the case i will buy it and just price adjust it. but i am sure corporate is aware of the ads and is pulling them off the floor.
  12. do they atleast tell u where the stuff is or hand out maps or something?
  13. I am thinkin that to, I really hope my target passes out vouchers or some kinda of flyers to prevent chaos
  14. doesanyone know if target hands out vouchers like best buy?
  15. yeah neither have i, it has always been best buy and one year it was CC. does anyuone know if target hands out vouchers like best buy???
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