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Everything posted by brinak2005

  1. 10 minutes and counting....
  2. Anyone that is interested in slime kits (huge fad with kids right now) that are listed at 9.97 in the ad, the galaxy slime is currenlty 4.97 online. I just order 2 kits for my daughters friends.
  3. just placed my order! Thanks for all the hard work Brad!!!!
  4. 20% worked for me
  5. Love this! Been watching for it! Already made my first BF online purchase [emoji2]
  6. I'm dreading dragging myself into work on Monday morning LOL
  7. I'm out....hopefully I'll be up early enough that I won't miss out on anything. Goodnight everyone....and good luck! Get some rest Brad!!!!!!
  8. I'm going to be so worthless at work tomorrow...um today? LOL
  9. Thanks Brad!!
  10. I have to be awake in.....4 hours and 40 minutes
  11. impatiently waiting......let's go Kohls!!!
  12. I just ordered a cookware set from Sears. The website showed $99, but when I put the item in my shopping cart it showed the BF price of $49. I ordered it and got a delay email from Sears. It's not a big deal if I don't get it, so we'll see.
  13. Just curious, where are you price matching this camera? I want to get this for my step daughter and thought it would be a perfect learning camera for her at that price.
  14. Any word if they will be giving away the gift cards like that have the past few years? Last year they gave out $20 gift cards at midnight to the first 100 people in line at midnight
  15. A friend asked me tonight about furniture stores on BF. Do they usually have good deals too? Like Rooms To Go or Ashley or any others? I've never paid attention and told him I would ask on my trusty GD site
  16. I'm glad I'm not only one who gets excited to see the deals on TP at Walgreens every year LOL
  17. I don't know if I can take all these ads being leaked at the same time as the election results coming in!!!!! My head might explode!!! LOL I'll finally be able to join in on my first webcast this year!
  18. Just having a great time w/ my shopping partner and people-watching! LOL Of course the deals area a bonus!
  19. My name is Sabrina, I live in Kernersville, NC and do my BF shopping in and around the area (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point and I even travel a little farther away to Tanger Outlets in Mebane). I have been a serious BF shopper since my daughter was born 6 years ago, before that I went out just to people watch or help my mom get everything on her list. It's become a tradition for my best friend and I to head out after we have dinner and do a quick clean up. This site has been awesome to help us get prepared for our adventure. Every year we try to break our record of how fast we can get everything on our lists and check out at Walmart LOL
  20. I might be in the market for one of these this year too! I didn't even think about QVC, we have a QVC outlet here. Wonder if they have them there?
  21. There were some awesome entries!!! You guys are cracking me up LOL
  22. Kernersville, NC (Walmart, Target, Kohls etc) and Tanger Outlets in Mebane, NC
  23. 1. In the past the webcasts have been on Saturday night. Does this still work or is there a better time? Friday or Saturday nights. 2. What BF topics would you like to see this year covered? Online shopping strategies 3. What do you like about the webcasts? Love the chat w/ other memebers, BJS you're an awesome host! 4. What dont you like about the webcasts? Didn't care much for the Ustream ads, sometimes it was hard to get in 5. How long should they last each time? couple hours....more or less depending on what's happening 6. Do you like the special webcasts? (the ones we do the day a major ad is leaked) Yes, really liked last years webcast while waiting for the Walmart ad release at midnight
  24. Followed! Can't wait, I love the webcasts!
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