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Everything posted by katleg24

  1. Twilight Board Game $7.99 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001TIX2TI/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41JRPU6Hw8L._SS400_.jpg
  2. Girl Gourmet Cake Bakery for $4.99 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0028K3TEY/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance
  3. Here ya go ladies: Style Six Silk Screener for $4.98 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0024IABXM/ref=oss_T15_product http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41L0gN-yjNL._AA280_.jpg
  4. This is what I'm getting for dinner tonight. Yeah, baby! Thanks OP!
  5. Thanks OP, I got one! I was looking for some sheets and extra pillows to go with it. I guess that I will have to scout the stores for some on clearance as they weren't available online. If anyone finds any please post, thanks!!!
  6. Oh, yeah! We could use some codes to feed these hungry people from all this shopping.
  7. Yeah, that was the first thing I did. Those cinnastix look really good.
  8. I switched to another store and the EBCS code worked there. Hmm, maybe the manager for the other store didn't want to do any promotions. Ha got it any way, thanks!
  9. I keep getting this message for all of the free codes: Coupon code EBCS is not valid at this store.
  10. Sounds like a good deal except the SWEET and JOBSTIX code does not work for me. Was wondering if you have any other ones?
  11. I was wondering if Walmart would match Targets store coupon.
  12. I give up for now. I'll try again later when it gets better.
  13. I have found that if you print from another computer with a different IP address then it will let you print off more. I plan on using all three computers so I can get several xmas presents out of the way.
  14. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/510CVorS7YL._AA280_.jpg Here is a pic of one of the ones on sale for $9.99, but there are others. http://www.amazon.com/Manley-Art-tastic-Fantasy-Medium-Playset/dp/B00199N1WK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260564553&sr=8-3
  15. Here's the link: http://offers.e-centives.com/mcp/pd.cfm?encp=j1EantZhQ0UfZ6PPr%2BNbkdxs3NNZctQJzS583Ss4SkIZAKvWh5slPzP1Sw6nP1fLYXrrPWSWIK3w%0D%0AcDoe8ks6UrNqNv2se%2BBmaMASJPLoxcWT22I2U16Pma9GLUl%2BSqA3vCsofPGX8xOM0wX94di4esXa%0D%0A1udaPJFD7rElAV3KEOUownndVPh3gLi9MRh5qoC3zDz9PhMc6hC6uAFw6VNSNvTbmjg0VoEzbt%2FG%0D%0Aw31ing2HQH2tirKLBhbBhvL9qeYfMJt%2FcmjQJokTmv1Z0rSNfhPPwTTfovKBTzxh6Ctk3KRjeWCh%0D%0AybABeJhPhIrYNnS2vCxu9zwojW%2BiG7x0Ni9MyANo%2FeFkK9jQoa6u86GkeLlsC%2B0lfD%2FGvy%2FpHg1K%0D%0Ad39YpqlbxHO4Y%2F8FCGz7B8dCTjUs%2Fco%2FbIf8mKZmI06tvuAG6jSiSDKQKteR0nzy%2FweCJ8v0ybnL%0D%0AQC0%2FiBUCNGe4Gg%3D%3D
  16. I picked up the new Harry Potter Blue Ray/DVD/Digital combo on sale today for $19.99. I used my $5Q and got it for $14.99. A good deal for three copies. But my Wal-Mart has the same combo for $15.
  17. I know it's a book but kids love books for presents. Invitation Only: The Web Series (Private) $1.76 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1416999477/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vqEzSlUkL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg P.S. This is my first image posting, yeah me!
  18. Got my order and had a gift card for $10. I called into CS cause I really wanted to do the sleepwear set with the free fragrance. The CS guy said they ran out a week ago and were only good til supplie lasted. I said that's crazy cause I just got a catalog in the mail with the promotion in it. He said that there is nothing that they can do but went on to say that more new deals will be on the 12th. He thinks another free gift with purchase type of sale, but not sure he said. I asked him after he checked my reward card if he ever seen one worth $500? He said no but he has seen them at $100, but mostly it is for the $10. I just had to ask.
  19. I couldn't use the slipper or fragrance code. Then I put in the wrong panties, ugh! The only one that worked for me is the 30% off. Anybody have any new codes?
  20. Came across a deal while at Wal-Greens. The Glade plug in with the fans were $5.99 with a $2 R/R making it $3.99, plus I had a $3.00 of coupon. So I paid $2.99 plus had a $2 R/R coupon. I opened the box cause I saw another coupon it it. It happened to be for another FREE Glade pluge in with fan. I picked up another one for free and I was given another $2 R/R coupon. Total cost $2.99 for 2 units and $4 R/R which I used to get somethin else. Not a bad deal. Anyway look in these units and see if you see a coupon with something on it that says FREE. The other unit just had a $1 off coupon for a Glade refill. Great deal if you can find any.
  21. Last year they included the snowman and reindeer as part of their christmas sale. So right before Christmas they were marked doen to half in the computer. I got like two for right at $10 total with the BOGO half off.
  22. Hmm, I have Prime as well. I went through all the steps but I didn't place my order when I notice that no Promotion was applied. Have you tried to do another oder to see if it will allow you to get them free again? Or maybe you have a credit with Amazon somehow.
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