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Everything posted by desiredusername

  1. Understandable, Buckeye. I am working at 2am this year. My Thanksgiving will end at 5pm in order to allow time for me to sleep before work. Not fun. So much for Thanksgiving dinner. But, at least I have a job...I shouldn't complain. As twisted as it is, I'd say the majority of retail workers enjoy Black Friday, even if it does "ruin" our holiday. It's fun to see our hard work of getting displays done, merchandising our departments, etc. pay off. :) Oh...and just so I don't get in trouble: The above is my own personal feeling and in no way reflects the jcpenney corporation or its subsidiaries. La dee dah. ()
  2. jcpenney stores are required to open by 4am per corporate. However, each store has the individual option to open earlier if they want. (I am a manager at jcpenney). Macy's is opening at midnight, so jcp stores that have a Macy's in their market were urged to consider opening at midnight. Bottom line; check with your local store for their particular opening time as opening times will vary.
  3. For those asking about the rebates.... You are allowed one rebate per item per address. So beware if you were planning to buy like 5 slow cookers at $9.88 each. It doesn't work that way and there is NOTHING the store can do to override this. It is a manufacturer's rebate.
  4. JCPenney ads vary by where you live. This is because JCPenney stores have a variety of sizes stores. Just because one store carries an item does not mean another store will. The ad you see online (the leaked ad) is from a large store. Your local store is likely smaller. Therefore, it does not carry all of the items that would have been in the leaked ad. You should, however, be able to get most of the items your store doesn't carry online.
  5. You should have just gone Wednesday evening. My store started revealing all of Friday's signs at 5:00 pm and began honoring the prices. (I work at JCPenney.)
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