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Posts posted by celestiaann

  1. my mother actually bought kota (the pony's dinosaur counterpart) last week when it was on sale.. it was funny, we just happened to be in the store and saw all these people lining up to buy them and when the line cleared, at 3 pm exactly, which is when they were actually supposed to go on sale, there was one lone box left and my daughter went crazy over seeing the picture of him on the box so my mom grabbed it..

    my daughter went nuts seeing him out of the box, but its a week later and sadly hes become more of an audience than favorite plaything..

    that being said, personally, i find kota absolutely enchanting and i love playing with him lol.. so i bet smores is just as adorable!!

  2. So i was at my local toys r us tonight and while i was waiting for some products at the front of the store i chatted with an employee about my never ending, frustrating search for zhu zhu pets, which have been constantly out of stock.. he told me that they were stockpiling their zhu zhu pets for black friday.. has anyone else heard this? im not sure if i should continue calling everyday to check availability or not..
  3. So last BF i was visiting my in laws in small town Oklahoma. Traditionally after Thanksgiving dinner everyone goes to the bar to see old chums and whatnot and although i intended only to go make a quick round of hello's and leave to get some z's before the morning throw down i ended up shutting the place down with my posse and leaving just in time to get home and gather my BF ads and head out..

    The bad news was that i was about 3 sheets to wind in 5 inch heels (not so great for the shopping), but the good news was that my mom was kind enough to drive me and the heels actually helped me score some electronics at walmart because my already 5'11 self could outreach many other shoppers when they were randomly just shoving things out of boxes.. so score for me!!


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