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Everything posted by sallnori

  1. THANKS!!! my hubby is working OT and won't be home until tomorrow. I have three kids at home and can not get to target today.
  2. so are the add prices good for tomorrow too?
  3. Quick question.... the target ad is for two days....correct? I bought video games I need to price adjust. TIA
  4. what computer did you get??
  5. great thanks!
  6. Question...if I have the item I want up on the walmart site...can I just refresh once it goes live to get the sale price?? Thanks!
  7. We have a Vizio and love it. It is also the 47 inch.... luv it!
  8. I bought two of the ds games today and hope to price adjust on Friday. I asked an employee at the returns area and they said they would price adjust. Let's hope!!!
  9. I asked my target today and they said they would price adjust if I bought the item within the allowed time frame. I went and bought some of the ds games today.....lets hope the honor the adjustment. If not... I will return them.
  10. My store did not know about any toy sale either. They did have the airhogs at my store and I bought one.
  11. I called my local wal-mart and they told me the sale would start 12:00 a.m??? Not sure if that is right??? What is everyone else getting?
  12. Thanks.....luv this site!!!! Happy gobble gobble day to all!!!
  13. I ordered one too last night. I debated about whether I needed to buy it, but if I don't for Christmas I can use it for DD birthday! Thanks!
  14. ok...i read the other thread about price matching!! Thanks!! TIA THanks for the post.
  15. I didn't find a coupon for 10.00 off, but thanks for all the info.
  16. Thanks everyone.
  17. Has anyone heard of any Little Pet Shop Toy Deals? I am looking for the animals or big toy sets. TIA
  18. I bought 12 too and now have my kids office staff covered. THanks!
  19. I also got it for 9.99 and they sent me the $5.00 in credit at Amazon video on Demand. Not a bad deal.. Thanks!!!
  20. Would this be good for a 8 year old (sorry not 5-typo).....the refurbed one???
  21. The grills at my target were with the automotive/pet stuff? Don't ask me why, but that is where I found them! They were 50% off yesterday. I would love to get one at 75%, just not sure when they will be marked down again??
  22. What day do they usually mark down the grills??
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