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Everything posted by sallnori

  1. I did a live chat with a customer service rep earlier today and they did credit my account $25.00. The deal earlier was a 25.00 gc with purchase of a 8gb ipod. SOooo you may want to try....it won't hurt!
  2. Me too!! uggg!
  3. The trampoline went to out of stock for me too!
  4. Not sure if extended warranty is needed if I'm buying from amazon?
  5. Tents (camping stuff) went 75% off yesterday and they were all gone by 8:15. I think the regular re-sellers bought them all at my store. My sister got there at 8:05 two people were walking out with the camping stuff.
  6. I went by this morning and there were three end caps of new toys marked at 30% off. There was GIjoe sets, Thomas the Train things, Bakugan things, Pokeman stuff, and some arts and craft stuff.
  7. The one thing I didnt see mentioned, but maybe I missed it. (sorry if repost) Our target had some star wars sets go 75% off today. My sister was there and was able to get some for me. I think the big set came out to 10.00...which included a ship and men. THe other set was a set of 4 men for 6.XX.
  8. ooooohhh.. so maybe other stores will mark down tomorrow or Friday?? We have camping stuff and star wars toys that are 30-50% off as of today. Thanks for the info!
  9. There are some nice mirrors on clearance at 30% off right now....does anyone know what day they are marked down? Thanks!
  10. I finally found a 12v black and decker drill for 9.98 (75% off). I am sure it was a return. My hubby said we will keep it to do small jobs around the house. The mark down team members were in womens clothing when I left this morning. Not sure what other areas they will mark down today???
  11. What day are picture frames usually marked down? It seems that my target is not following the markdown schedule on page 1. I know that things vary from store to store. Just want to get an idea of when other Targets are marking down pic frames. thanks
  12. I hit target today because I had not been since Thursday. LOL!!! I know...SAD! I didn't find to many things, but did find a few little things. I bought: ###024090550: crossbody bag--silver color - $2.48 ###024090552: Xhilaration # zip pouch and luggage tag gift box -leopard print - $3.24 ###-- backgammon game - $1.40
  13. Thanks...I am going to check my store tomorrow.
  14. Has anyone seen a Sony tv on clearance?
  15. My target was not that crazy last week, but if you were not there in the first 5 minutes of opening... you were pretty much out of luck. I think there were like 4 of us....that had been stalking the toys and waiting for it to go 75%. I did get a set of pans last week at 75% too!! I was very happy! I only wish we had more than 1 Target here.
  16. yes and some discover or discovery toys for 6.XX!
  17. Were a lot of people shopping the 75% off toy sale last week? Just wondering how things compare in the valley to C.C.
  18. We had tons of those last week, but they are all gone now. I only have one Target in my city and things go fast! Oh well... i got some great deals last week when toys went 75% off. My sister and I were both there when the store opened!!
  19. I did scan them and they scanned 19.99!
  20. I was there today and Target brand toys are still 50%. They are re-setting the entire sporting goods dept so....I don't know... sorry!! The mark down team member told me last week...to check back this Thursday, but she was not sure!
  21. That is exactly what I am buying for and family campouts!!!
  22. thanks... maybe this week things will go 75%.
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