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Everything posted by daysangel

  1. I went bright and early this morning to take advantage of the 50% off princess items. I was too late--they were sold out of the baby dolls. I had hope to get them to give to my 3 year old DD and for her Christmas exchange at school. I did get DD a Belle dress for Christmas for $8.99, and I will probably go back tomorrow in hopes of some more things and stop by a different Target on Tuesday as I drive to family's house for Thanksgiving... It's a PRINCESS overload in this house and I need babies!!
  2. daysangel

    Angel Tree

    This might be a dumb question, but am I supposed to wrap the gifts? I would think the Salvation Army would want to inspect the items... TIA!!
  3. Ok, now those are pretty cool!! My 3 year old DD has requested Children's Benadryl and those As-Seen-On-Tv wrap things that you put on your purse strap... it's those darn TV commercials!
  4. Glad to help! Just wish they'd give us a heads up on toys and electronics!
  5. Amazon's Black Friday Music Calendar: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=tsm_1_fb_amzn_mscbfw_20101120?&docId=1000451311
  6. daysangel

    Angel Tree

    Walmart will have the "Build a Bear" set on BF for $10.00... something you might be interested in! )
  7. Thanks! I'm not sure why I did it, but I got the purple and mint green for my 3 year old DD... they also have the yellow and pink in stock right now!
  8. I think this is a great idea... give her some money or a gift card for the Itouch but she also gets more presents!
  9. Bumping this up from a year ago, because the current price is still only $3.86... DD loves hers!
  10. I haven't seen it in any sale... but Target had a sign up saying it was in limited production so quantities would be limited through Christmas.
  11. OMG! I have the computer and Fisher Price Kitchen still!! Unfortunately, the computer doesn't work anymore though...
  12. I would have made my 3 year old "accidentally" go over there so I would have to go get her!
  13. YAY! Lots of things on my list... but I hope I can get them online or Amazon price matches on Thursday night!
  14. I'm a little underwhelmed, but glad to see the ad out!
  15. My aunt and I were shopping on Black Friday 2006. She was recently divorced, and Black Friday was how she would be Christmas shopping for her two kids. When we got to the mall, she went into her purse to get out her money--only to find the envelope gone--all $600+. It had been in an envelope, in a zippered part of her purse, so there was no way it had fallen out. To this day, she believes it was a coworker (with whom other "stories" had been told about). She contacted the police, but there was nothing they could do without proof. Not a good Black Friday!
  16. Did anyone get a message that you had to use a Mastercard for the NICE4U code??
  17. code NICE4U is $10 of $10... Order 2 for the discount! :) Gingerbread is no longer available
  18. Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Say Please Tea Set List Price: $18.99 Price: $10.00 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $8.99 (47%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31og2D2pIkL._SL500_AA280_.jpg LINK
  19. If not, check out Amazon. I know that last year they price matched on quite a few DVDs that were advertised in other store's ads...
  20. Me too, and I'm really hoping Amazon price matches for FSSS!
  21. OMG! I've been waiting on this one!! Thanks so much!!
  22. Awesome! There's a couple things I wanted to get on Black Friday that I can get tomorrow and cross Sears off my list! Thanks!
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