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  1. Last year had to be the smoothest easiest Black Friday I have ever done. I think after all these years of practice I have it down to a science. LOL The first thing I did was to go to Wal-Mmart in September and put all my must haves in layaway, that way as things went on sale I could go in for a pricematch or price adjustment. On Thanksgiving night, I put the kids to bed and then mapped out my game plan. At 3am I left the house and headed for Wal-Mart - ours is open 24hrs. Not a soul was there, parked right by the doors. I gathered up all the stuff I wanted to price match to other store's ads and everything from the weekend sale. I then scoped out all the blitz stuff so I knew what was where. I had more than an hour or so to kill, so I did my grocery shopping, paid for it and put in the car. When they unwrapped the pallets I grabbed the few things I needed and headed right to layaway where I had already left my cart. I was third in line. I put the new stuff in my layayway, pricematched and price adjusted and was out of there at 6:17am. I don't pick my layaway up till the last possible day, that way I can price adjust easily and I don't have to hide it all for very long. I went home dropped off the groceries picked up my mil and sil and we hit all the other stores at a leisurely pace. I can't wait to do it again.
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