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Posts posted by knt102000

  1. Can anyone explain how Amazon price matches exactly? Does the product have to be sold by Amazon itself? Or can it be a product sold by one of its "partners" through Amazon?


    I was interested in getting this notebook from Microcenter, but it is out of stock and it is NOT a BlackFriday item: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0326328

    It was, however, advertised in the monthly Microcenter Ad.

  2. How much can I expect off an Alienware laptop on Black Friday?

    I'm looking to buying one, but I'm not sure whether the wait is worth it and if the price will drop....


    And how great are the deals at Microcenter on Black Friday?? WHEN ARE THE ADS USUALLY POSTED?!?!

  3. I bought this package last year (nearly the same one with lower specs and a higher price :( )...I asked the same exact question on this forum. In the end, I decided not to go wait in line for hours, instead I took my chances and remained home. Woke up 4AM that morning, refreshing the Bestbuy page every 5 minutes, I personally bought the desktop package online. Great desktop, I am still using it right now. So if its the same concept and the equivilant of mine, then it will also be online, just be sure to have the webpage of the exact desktop open, and refresh every 2-5 minutes or so to be able to be the first ones to add and purchase it.


    P.S. Im thinking of picking it up myself

  4. .....ouch? but did u buy online or from the store?

    online and both store has different return policies

    and when did you buy these games? and if the box came shattered why didnt you notice right away and ask for a new case or simply one of the slip on cardboard ones?

  5. If the reason was not for the price it could be a potentially good reason (recall by manufacture, faulty product, etc.). Ask for the specific reason. If they say for the price increase or something similiar but not potentially harmful to you then say you already gave them out as gifts and that there is physically no way for you to obtain them back at this point unless they provide a replacement product of the same quality at no additional charge.
  6. 1) In a way yes they do have the right to cancel the order.....not directly but as the company selling is more powerful than you they can simply say they are sold out and will not sell......Simply get your money back if they do not give you it.

    2) They do not have the right to recall them. What is the exact clause they are referring to? The clause would help. Did you agree to any such clause when you ordered? Furthermore your receipt states that you bought it at a specific price and paid for it. Therefore it is rightfully your property if they already took the money. It would not be your fault if they had a bug or a incorrect pricing on their website. They would be at fault. If they persist on recalling, call them and ask the full details of the clause and when you agreed to it. If everything persists last resort (if the order is large) go small claims court.

  7. Probably not.




    330 in the afternoon? Good luck.


    What you might want to do is ask what the people are there for. If they say they're all there for the TV, then score, you get the computer.


    If there are 50 people in line... then you might want to mosey back on home.

    Uhh yea 330 in the after noon. last year my friend went and they went at 330 also and they said that they were about the 9th one in line

  8. My parents are thinking that if we get there and there is more than 10-15 people then we have no way of getting the computer so if we get there at 3:30 and there is moer than 10-15 people we wont bother camping out. Would this be reasonable or is it not true at all?
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