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Everything posted by jgunter83

  1. Can anyone recommend some good discount magazine sites? I used to have several bookmarked.. but have sense lost them.. help please! i'm looking for more of the cosmo/glamour type ones and cooking ones if that makes a difference. thanks!
  2. I Hit the paydirt at my local jcpenny.. they're having a 75% off clearance plus coupons in the paper for 20% off. I got a hoodie, 2 long sleeve tshirts, 2 short sleeved tshirts and a collar button up shirt all name brands. Retail- 203.50 actual price I paid- 35.07
  3. I went into my local bath and body works.. They had a section with 90% clearance. I got 2 bottles of conditioner, 1 hair recontructer, and 2 bottles of body wash all for 7 dollars. Total retail price- 65.00 .. I love clearance!!!
  4. I got the email too- i went to cvs and bought two pasta bowls @ 99 cents each ( great deal) and it only printed a coupon for 4 dollars off next purchase of 20 or more i'll try again tomorrow
  5. lexmark has an all-in-one printer/scanner deal at walmart for 58 bucks. i love mine.. relaly easy to use
  6. our winn dixie here has south beach foods on sale here in alabama
  7. man, i found some awesome stuff.. my total was only 27.00 but they want 32.33 for shipping!! it's going to cost more to ship than to buy.. im' still debating whether i want it or not..
  8. today is my first day with the patches.. so far 3 1/2 hours and doing well. my mom is on day 3 and doing well.
  9. does anyone know of any coupons?
  10. Does anyone know of any weight watchers discount codes for online sign up? thanks in advance :) jessica:g_dance:
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