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Posts posted by momlori

  1. 1. Approximately how many years have you been shopping on Black Friday?  about 20 years

    2. Do you plan to spend more, less or the same amount of money during Black Friday week this year? a little less this year

    3. Do you plan on shopping online during Black Friday week this year? yes

    4. How many people do you plan on shopping with on Black Friday this year? not sure yet

    5. If you could make stores change one thing about Black Friday besides opening times, what would it be? Better control of the opening lines (crowd control)

  2. Good topic.  I might be looking for a pair of over the ear headphones for a 9 year old but do not want to spend a ton of money.  I would welcome ideas as well

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  3. We have an older model that needs replacing soon.  Only my DH uses it for a single cup daily and sometimes I will brew some Hot Chocolate.  It works great and no problem with pouring water in for each cup.  We have used the Kcups and the my Kcup and each works well.  I think they would be great gifts.

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