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Everything posted by momlori

  1. Since we have the first ad now I am excited for more to come
  2. Best Buy has a list of TVs that if they go on sale on BF they will refund the difference if you buy now
  3. I would like a 4K Sony 55”. Hoping for a good price
  4. Change is always difficult at first but I am sure this will be easier to navigate
  5. 1. Come shopping it will be fun they said 2. TV boxes for everyone 3. Sorry but the restrooms are closed today
  6. Lost my job last month and with everything going on I missed checking in for February but here I am to see what’s going on for March. Missed out for the year but looking to see what everyone is up to
  7. Tracy0504 I couldn’t hold out. I opened early and I am so glad. I love the books, socks, M&M s and the body wash. It is my new favorite. I am tired from wrapping and taking so me time and this was just perfect. Merry Christmas
  8. Thank you Bopeep for another successful year. I know I really appreciate this exchange and all the hard work you put into making this happen. Have a very Merry Christmas.
  9. Got my SS package today and put it under the tree. Hoping to hold out until Christmas
  10. Can you believe I wrapped and boxed my SS gift and my husband took it to ship when I realized I left something out of the box! I am a mess!
  11. Picked up the last of the SS gifts at lunch today. Now to wrap and ship.
  12. Still have a couple more items to get to go in my box before I can mail it.
  13. Congrats to the winners. I too liked how the posts were linked
  14. I had 3 packages delivered yesterday - most everything goes to the PO box so this was a score!
  15. Got the hubby some jeans, socks, slippers and a sweater for myself
  16. I do miss the old days as well but do like the shopping in my jammies in the warmth of my home on the couch too.
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