Our store was awesome. Menards had some fleece throws in their ad for 1.89, our Walmart knocked their throws down to that and were soooo much nicer, regularly 7.99.
Kohls is pretty easy...and if they give you a problem ask for a manager. I had been in there about a month ago wanted a camera that I had called and asked if they had was told yes. Went in and they had been out of stock since the first day of the sale. I asked for a rain check and the manager on duty came up gave me the raincheck and gave me an additional 30% off...even though I only had a coupon for 15%. Good service.
In that interview please find out what they are waiting for and if its a gift or something they plan on e-baying. I really didn't see anything that I would get there that early for.
Kohls has one also in there ad. I got mine from Kohls last year and I love it. If you have a kohls charge and use you discount coupon its even cheaper and then you get your kohls cash for the next time you shop.
I don't know then..depends how long the lines are and how experienced the cashier is.
I did see this advertised somewhere in todays paper for I think 35.00. My son just said yesterday he wants it so I guess I will be on the lookout.
I am sure if you get the Manager of the store and ask him why his store is the only one not doing whtat the corporate directive is you will get your items adjusted. Also remember that targets sale is a 2 day sale, go later on Friday not when the open the doors.