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Everything posted by mls2895

  1. Ironically, I read your post yesterday (Thanksgiving Day) and today something similar happened to me at Kmart. I was one of the first people in line at the electronics counter and asked for an xbox 360 and the woman told me that the store never got any in. However, something about how she said it seemed a little odd. When she asked for confirmation from another coworker he seemed hesitant to agree with her. Well, while I was standing outside waiting for the store to open there was a salesman out there telling everyone how many of each big ticket item they had. They never said anything about the xbox 360. So, after being told they never go any in another customer and I went to the manager. The manager preceeded to tell us that she would go back to electronics and talk to them about the situation. Long story short, the employee sold the 2 xbox 360s on Thursday even though she was told to hold them for the BF sale. So, the manager is honoring the BF price and ordering two xbox's specifically for the two of us. How can these employees get away with doing that? I am sure if we wouldn't have complained the manager would have never known. I am not getting too excited yet because I have not paid for the xbox yet. I will let you know if they follow through with what they said they would do. I am hopeful because the manager gave me her information in case I want to speak with her.
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