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About timmersmom

  • Birthday 10/23/1977
  1. Next year go to Wal-Mart they will comp any compettors ad. All accept Wal-Mart.com, I tried to comp something on line and the store told me no. Better luck next year!!!!:)
  2. Got up at 2:30 got to Kohls at 4 when they opened got the GPS, Littlest Pet Shop, blankets, and a few other goodies, I stood in line while my sister walked to Walmart to stand in line for the PS2w/guitar, she stood in line for 30 min (former layaway area) and was 2nd away from the front and they told her they were sold out. Mean while I came into walmart found her and saw people walking out from that area with the PS2 that we wanted, so I went up to the desk jumping the line that we just left and told the man that he just told us they were out...I wasn't happy, Well I got that and the Rock Band so we were happy!!!! Left went to Best Buy and found Rock Band $40 cheeper so bought it again there and took the other back at Wal-Mart. Then went to Target and HomeDepot!!!! We got everything we went to get and more!!!!!!!! Thanks Gotta Deal! My kids will be soooooo happy this Christmas!!!!
  3. Would it be easier to order the items online like the Xbox 360 from WM or should I try and get it at the store tomorrow. I know there will be people fighting over somethings.. What are my chances??
  4. Walgreens is having the Webkins little kins buy 1 at 6.99 get one FREE Friday 7-2only
  5. I was just getting ready to ask everyone where the cheepest place would be to buy this, I am looking for the playstation 2 any brand would do, with the guitar, drums,ect. Wal-Mart would match anyone. Thanks:D Update: On BF I found the Rock Band at Wal-Mart for $147 and I was happy till we went over to Best Buy and I found the same thing for $99 so I took the other back to Wal-Mart!!! So Best Buy did have the BB on that!!!! Thanks all for your help!!!!
  6. Is there a way to make it so we can see the actual add or at least pictures rather than have to read through the whole add, it would be so much faster to skim the adds. Thanks
  7. I LOVE this post and I love Target, but is there a simular post for Wal-Mart we don't have a Target near by.
  8. In the check out line at the grocery store there are always those little books for every holiday I have bought them several times. I think they might be pillsbury or something like that but they are full of great recipies and ideas!!!
  9. when I was little my parents hid a bike in the shed. They told me that my dad had seen a snake in there earlier. It kept me out and I was very surprised when they told me to go in the shed later to get my present!!!! It worked!!!
  10. the whole cut the power cord thing is minor compaired to what I had to do with a carseat and also a pack n play. Completely had to cut it apart and send in parts. NO way it could have been used. But I did get new ones!!!! These were recalled. You might check a recalled list for the microwave. Good luck hope it all works out!!!!
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