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General MarioXx

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Posts posted by General MarioXx

  1. this past year i was camping with a few friends in front of best buy. we were the second tent and 5th and 6th in line. we had given out cards to the people in line showing what number you were so when the time came to really get in line there wasn't any confusion. anyway. Friday morning at about 3 a.m a car pulls up and someone gets out and tries to hop in the front of the line..... we all politely ask him to leave and he refuses stating he had been there the whole time sitting in the parking lot. this was obviously not true. so he continued to stand there. then came the bad part. a fight almost broke out between this guy and one of my friends over the spot in line, and we ended up having to call the police to come and remove him. luckily they did without a problem ,and the rest of my BF went on without incident, but that was a pretty bad experience.
  2. ill give some input on this. i own a wii and a 360. and i will say that my 360 gets alot more play time. this may also be because i am a little older (17). anyway. the wii is a great party system and it is truly wonderful for people who dont want to spend hours learning to play one game or another. you catch on really easily and it is quite fun. the games i play most would be super smash brothers brawl, mario kart wii, and super mario galaxy. hope that helped ya a little.
  3. Hmm...Let's see...


    I was at Best Buy with family/friends. So when it was around 1-3AM...When everybody was all quiet, because it was pretty cold outside. So these "Hooligans" were driving by...And they threw about 2-3 water balloons at the people in line! :no::mad: I was so glad I didn't get hit, because I was 15-25 feet away from them. :eek: So after they threw balloons at them...The "Hooligans" were all screaming, "You f!@#$ing nerds!" They were doing that as they were driving away...:mad:

    Oh ya...btw, Since I was 13 years old...I was all screaming, "You motherf!@#$ers! Come back here you son of a b!@#$es!" ...Give me a break people...I was 13...:tongue1:

    So after all that mayhem...I went to go check the people that got hit...I found this other guy about my age telling me what happened. So while he was telling me what happened, I see this woman calling the cops! :shock:

    So about 30mins-1hr....The cops show up! They didn't actually do anything...All they did was do a "driveby" and just made sure everything was all good. So then they left 5mins after they got here... :(

    So after they left...This car drives by and drives all the way to the front of the line...And BLARES HIS HORN! I was like "WHOA! Please tell me they're not back!" And actually, they were back...But in a different car. So I couldn't have recognized them. So he was screaming at us again, "You f!@#ing nerds and blah, blah." :mad::mad:

    So after that...It was all good, because they never came back(Thank God). So after that, it was just a typical Black Friday....Grabbing tickets, running to the electronics, and doing anything to get your product. :cheesy::P:cheesy::P:cheesy::P

    that is absolutely horrible. i have a really short temper when it comes to ignorant people. which probably would have proven to be quite bad in that situation. luckily last year when we had an altercation with a few "hooligans" the cops showed up and escorted them off the premises before things got to bad. having to wait almost an hour for cops to arrive seems kind of ridiculous haha. hopefully it doesn't happen again this year.

  4. hey, im ronnie. im only 17 and ive been doing black friday for about 5 years. last year i was second at my local bb and im hoping to be first this year. i do black friday more for kicks with friends than for anything else, but i always pick up stuff for my family. i dont have any kids naturally and i love to play paintball and halo.o and i cant wait for this coming bf
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