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  1. No, don't bother going to the Collierville store - then there won't be anything left for me when it goes 75%! Just kidding! Actually, after any holiday, the Target in Germantown at Forest Hill Irene & Poplar has more stuff left, because they are a bigger store with more seasonal items to start with. (I'm in Collierville!) I alwasy start at the Germantown store, and it isn't much farther away.
  2. I went to two Targets in TN. In each store, the employees were very polite and stopped to scan items and red-tag them as requested by customers. This can't be a fun day for them, but they were very professional - treating the customers right. Sorry for the rude employees people faced.
  3. Collierville, TN Target was 90%. A fellow shopper told me she had been to several others close by and they were NOT 90% off. Lots of stuff left - lights, ornaments, wrap, gift bags, candy items, garland/trees. Scotch tape with $1.99 printed on it was in the regular aisle - both green and purple varieties - .19. Chocolate covered mint oreos .29 - reg aisle. Keebler holiday cookies .27 - reg aisle. Monopoly travel set - toy aisle - .99. Spent $31xx.
  4. The goldfish crackers are in a regular sized box that stands upright. It looks holiday-like, with red and green on the packaging. I think the goldfish has a Santa hat on. It says the crackers are holiday designs and shows a tree and a stocking shape cracker. You'll know it when you see it. Look on end-caps in the food area (where they were at 75% off in my store in great quantity) or in the regular cracker aisle. There are also Snowflake Ritz crackers to look for, if you like those...have fun!
  5. Collierville & Germantown, TN Targets still at 75% off this morning. Bummer!
  6. While I was "perimeter perusing" (love that term) - I used to consider myself an "Endcap Cruiser", a nice employee was stocking and asked if I needed help. Of course, I was simply trying to check out the merchandise on the endcap, so I no, jyst looking. He said, well, keep shopping all you like, you ensure that I get a paycheck! We had a short conversation about how not as many people are shopping and how it affects the employees. So, keep on shopping!
  7. I almost always click "can't see game" or "click here to skip game" and yes, I still win that way. It is much quicker! The game is pre-programmed to have a winner at a set time, regardless of whether you actually play. I only play the ones I enjoy or if I have no option to skip the game.
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