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Posts posted by jenesparza

  1. my show idea would be like a PAX OR LIFETIME show about a girl who really want to help people but doesn't really have money or the means. She friviously finds people in her community to help all the while winning stuff on gottadeal.com and finding deals on things thru the website. She even goes to the freebie forum in search of goodies for the homeless. Every week she touches the live of one individual through her simple searches with gottadeal.com...
  2. I would say really i'm a newbie because this year i'm going to multiple stores and usually I only go to a few or one who has something i really want. So i hope that for me that i can at least not have to deal with any disgruntal customers or people who steal out of others baskets. i really don't want to get in any fights. I hope the stores have at least an good amount of stock so i can at least get what i need maybe a thing of two of things i just plain want. I can imagine i'm gonna need an energy drink or need to start drinking coffee for the event so i can be quick. Well see i've got my fingers crossed
  3. Hi, I'm Jennifer, married 1 year since the 6th of this month. i'm a stay at home mom for right now, with two kids. Daughter 7 and son 5. I started on this site first by lurking around in the freebies section about a year ago then about 6 months into it i thought i'd join. Been in love with the site ever since, now i'm all over the place from the freebies to the the contest, to the black friday ads. I'm preparing for BF early this year and mapping out my places to go... I usually just go no planning and end up a little frazzled by the end of the day. Hoping this year to get alot accomplished and hey maybe ALL my Christmas shopping done. (yeah right) thats wishful thinking. lol
  4. I think it is possible to find a good deal online before or even after BF. However if you are wanting a $150 (apprx) desktop, then you'll probably have to go out on BF, and do the lines and the waiting. But for the savings, imo, it would be worth it.

    I agree, lines are worth it when you come home with a deal that you could never get any other time of the year. I would also try online too. Sometimes they post deals before bf and let you get them early.

  5. I sent emails to:

    http://www.whas11.com/contact/?newsDept, http://www.wlky.com/station/index.html, and [email protected] <[email protected]>, all these are local news channels in the louisville, ky area. this is what i wrote them:


    I was writting to let you know The Official Black Friday site is open


    This site is so great and has everything from Black Friday ads to contest and even freebies. I use this every year to find out the scoop to whats going on for Black Friday and what deals not to pass up. They are even posting predictions for this years ad. http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayPredictions

    I wanted to let you know that this would be a great subject for a story because this site is growing everyday and everyone should be let in on this because there are so many bargain hunters out there. They also have great forum with many friendly and chatty members


    If you would like to do a story on Gottadeal.com please go to this link.http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/MediaRoom

    Thanks for your time,

    Jennifer Woosley

  6. The retailers or manufacturers not able to meet the demand, or even come close in some cases.

    People who are rude to the cashiers because the lines are long, or things ring up wrong or whatever it is not the employees fault.

    I agree with this all the way!

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