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Posts posted by tkoran

  1. I got to ours at about 6:30. The lines for check-out wrapped all the way around to the back of the store and everything I wanted was already gone. The one or two things that I did find, I didn't want bad enough to stand in that line for so I left empty-handed. I overheard one of the employees talking and she said it took 12 minutes for everyone that was waiting in line at 6 am to get in the door. It was absolutely nuts!!
  2. Doorbusters aren't usually available online, unless specifically stated in the ad. I don't know if the bundle is a doorbuster or not. I would call CC and see if it will be available online.

    Thanks for your quick response. :) I thought so much, but thought I'd ask. Looks like I'll be standing in line come BF. :tongue1:

  3. mahalia, I would buy the new nintendogs ds lite bundle. It's a pink ds lite with a paw print on the front and comes with the nintendogs game. my dd12 has the game and really enjoys it. I thought I saw it for $139 in one of the ads...yep, CC has it. BB has the bundle for $150, but you also get Over the Hedge game too. I think Kmart has the best deal, the bundle is $150, but you get a $25 gift card by mail.

    Does anyone know if CC honors BF ads online? The closest one from me is an hour away so I doubt I'll be able to make it there.

  4. I have to buy 3......:eyepoppin All 3 kids want one, they have an original DS, and 2 SP's. DS is on its last legs (bought refurbished from ebgames last year) and the SP's got from ebay used to save some money. This year luckily we are a little better off. I am still hesitant on buying the DS games because they are so tiny, the little ones already lose the SP games as it is. :no:

    I found some cases for $5 at Shopko that are great for the games! The SP cases hold 3 in each case, one on top of the other lengthwise (if that makes any sense) so the case is long and thin. I believe the DS case holds 12 games and is about the size of the DS only thinner. No more lost games!

  5. After I ordered from Best Buy I went to Walmart and they had them in stock for first time since they've been released that I've been able to catch and I go to Walmart at least 2-3 times a week. I went ahead and picked one even though I'd just ordered one. Good thing I did since I got a notice from BB this morning notifying me that the Wii's were backordered on their site.
  6. I'm so excited, I just got one of these off the Best Buy site today for the kids for Christmas. I've been looking ever since they came out and have never found one in stock in my area. We've never had a gaming system other than GBA or the Nintendo DS. I've been looking for quite some time for a way to get the kids moving. They like their handheld games so I'm hoping this is the ticket I've been looking for. I think I may enjoy it too! :D
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