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Everything posted by tkoran

  1. Thanks! My girls have been begging for this. I just picked it up for a Valentine's Day gift for them. :)
  2. They are running a free 7 day trial of the on-line program right now. She could sign up for that and print off any information she wants to keep if she doesn't want to pay the monthly fee, which I think is $16.95.
  3. I was at Target on Saturday and got the Hannah Montana in Concert Stage for $14.98 normally $60. The kids are thrilled! They had 2 so I grabbed them both and am planning on giving one to my niece for her birthday on Feb. 1st.
  4. I would love to pick one of these up for my DD for her birthday in February. Anyone know of any deals on these now that Christmas is over?
  5. I don't know if you have a boy or girl, but I know there is a Dora one. My 5 y/o has one and loves it.
  6. My daughter got a Dora castle along with some figures last year for Christmas from my mom that is small enough for a kid to carry around by a handle. I'm pretty sure it was under $15. Check the Dora aisle at Walmart. That's the last place I saw it. I'm pretty sure they've come out with a similar version since then.
  7. Thanks for the review website address! I'll check that out. I do prefer to get reviews from general users instead of professionals or hard core gamers since they have a different view of games like this.
  8. I saw the Zapper a couple of weeks ago and passed it up because I didn't realize a game came with it. Now it's out of stock of course. I'll keep looking though. :)
  9. Oh good! I'm really looking forward to trying that game out. I've had the WII stashed for 3 months already and it's just killing me to not be able to tell the kids I have it and play with it myself.
  10. I managed to snag a WII for the kids for Christmas and am wondering if I should pick this up (can get it for $19.99) or if the bowling that comes with the system is good enough. Thanks! Tami
  11. I too was going to suggest just taking a spoon into a jewelry store for engraving. When I got married, I bought a cake and knife set and took it to a jeweler and they engraved it for me.
  12. Wow! Thanks for posting this! I've seen this on the shelf, but didn't look at it close enough to realize that it came with games. I thought it was just another accessory. I need to pick one up for DH!
  13. I got to ours at about 6:30. The lines for check-out wrapped all the way around to the back of the store and everything I wanted was already gone. The one or two things that I did find, I didn't want bad enough to stand in that line for so I left empty-handed. I overheard one of the employees talking and she said it took 12 minutes for everyone that was waiting in line at 6 am to get in the door. It was absolutely nuts!!
  14. I am hoping to get the Nintendo DS/Nintendogs bundle. Since this special runs all weekend, do you think I still need to be there right away in the morning?
  15. Yup, that's the right sight. I don't see them there either, but they have them in the store here. Do you have a local store you can check?
  16. What is the difference between the 2 types of dual charging stations? 1 is $27.99 and the other is $40.99? (The more expensive one is currently out of stock.) Tami
  17. Thanks for your quick response. :) I thought so much, but thought I'd ask. Looks like I'll be standing in line come BF.
  18. Does anyone know if CC honors BF ads online? The closest one from me is an hour away so I doubt I'll be able to make it there.
  19. I found some cases for $5 at Shopko that are great for the games! The SP cases hold 3 in each case, one on top of the other lengthwise (if that makes any sense) so the case is long and thin. I believe the DS case holds 12 games and is about the size of the DS only thinner. No more lost games!
  20. When I got the backorder notice from Best Buy this morning, the email stated that they should be back in stock in 1-2 weeks. I wonder if there is a way you could be notified when they come in?
  21. After I ordered from Best Buy I went to Walmart and they had them in stock for first time since they've been released that I've been able to catch and I go to Walmart at least 2-3 times a week. I went ahead and picked one even though I'd just ordered one. Good thing I did since I got a notice from BB this morning notifying me that the Wii's were backordered on their site.
  22. I'm so excited, I just got one of these off the Best Buy site today for the kids for Christmas. I've been looking ever since they came out and have never found one in stock in my area. We've never had a gaming system other than GBA or the Nintendo DS. I've been looking for quite some time for a way to get the kids moving. They like their handheld games so I'm hoping this is the ticket I've been looking for. I think I may enjoy it too!
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