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Everything posted by cybermom

  1. Cheryl's also has $5 shipped cookie greetings that will arrive on 2/14/12 if you like. http://www.cheryls.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryNavigate?ip_navtype=topcategory&storeId=10202&searchCategory=400004585&categoryId=400004585&catalogId=10102&langId=-1
  2. I have bought three of these Keurig B130 brewers from Office Depot. They are very easy to use, basically idiot proof, with instructions of the 3 steps illustrated right on front. They only make one size 8 oz, take 3 minutes to brew, you cannot use those refillable K-cups, just normal K-cups but for the price you can't beat it.
  3. Great find! It was a bit tricky to get the code in but it looks like they accepted my order for the men's slippers last night at $2.98. thanks mahyar1! I was considering buying these type of slippers at Sharper Image when they were going out of business but the sizes were limited and the price was still a lot higher.
  4. I went over to check them out and they were the regularly $10 throws for $3 in mostly black with a few red and green available that looked like felt. The $15 throws in more colors and much nicer plush quality were not on sale.
  5. Orlando FL area. They gave the same deal at the mall store to my sister who needed to purchase 27 for her female employees. They even took off an extra $10 coupon so she saved over $300 and got nice easy to wrap and transport gifts that look like she spent a lot more without breaking her wallet. Now she needs to find four male gift deals and she will be all set.
  6. Just got back from the Bath and Body Works store nearby. They were selling signature collection items 7 for $35 and get one free including "SILK" lotion which is normally $17.50 each. I also used the coupon to get one item free with a $10 purchase so I walked out with 9 "silk" lotion bottles for $35 + tax. These are great $4 gifts! The sales clerk said they were changing the packaging and the sale was ending Wednesday. The "silk" lotion was just about sold out so hurry! That stuff makes your skin feel very smooth and smells great too.
  7. Fall into Savings Code 57821674 for $20 off of $75 or more.
  8. I love Knowing perfume but they don't seem to carry it.
  9. The $25 off code worked for me. I hope the rebates will work as well.
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