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Posts posted by guardado4

  1. This sale was amazing. We got soo much stuff! Snow gloves for $1.49, snow hats for $0.98, I think $10 was the most I paid for anything. We left with three big bags full of clothes for all four of us and only spent $81. That doesn't happen very often...now if they could just put an Old Navy closer to my house. The nearest one is about 45 minutes away.
  2. TRU is not the best. I called ahead to ask if they had a certain board game in stock. I was told that yes they had it. I made the drive over and guess what? They didn't have it in. I went to customer service to ask if they had any in the back and of course not. This game just so happened to be on sale. I asked for a rain check, they had to call a manager because they didn't know if they could issue one. They finally told me okay I could have a rain check since I called and was told that they had it. I was so annoyed.
  3. Here in California, we cut ours down from a tree farm for $35. It is nice, but we got it the weekend after Thanksgiving and I have pine needles everywhere even though I am watering it morning and night! Someday when my kids are grown I will probably get a fake one.
  4. My hubby likes goodies like Sour Patch Kids or Beef Jerky. He also likes gift Certificates to places he would eat lunch like McDonalds or Taco Bell or something like that. I haven't even bought him anything for his stocking yet this year.
  5. I bought the Delphi by XM for my DH for Christmas. I bought it about a month ago and wish I would have waited, the same one at buy.com is about $30 cheaper than what I paid. I think he will really like it because this one is portable - you can use it in the car or at home or with earphones anywhere. Of course, I haven't gave it to him yet, so I don't know if it is as wonderful as I think it is or not. Good luck!
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