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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. May the 4th Be With Youuuuuuu!
  2. Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Black Friday has been cancelled... (April Fools! Try to stay safe everyone!)
  3. Happy March! Don't spend your tax refund all in one place Far as my epidural injection I had last month: since my insurance didn't approve sedation at the last minute I thought I'd tough it out like a man. Everything was going as expected with me telling them if an injection site was helping or not until the very last nerve they hit on my lower right side (the one where my sciatica is hapening). Suddenly it felt like a lightning bolt had shot down my right hip and down my leg and I nearly jumped off the table! I'd say a pain level from about a 2-3 to about a 9! Took a while for my leg to calm down in recovery but other than realizing I need sedation next time the doc said everything went as expected. One more epidural injection (sedation please!) then we'll see about the RFA procedure. Also I'm moving next weekend to a much better and nicer place. Got lots of manly men from my church to help out so I don't have to worry about all the heavy stuff. Wish me luck!
  4. Time for a right-side lumbar epidural injection. Preliminary procedure to a radiofrequency ablation. Fun times ahead
  5. Our lows were in the 40s last week. Finally hit 32 degrees last night. Next few days expected lows in the 40s and over the weekend lows in the 50s. Go home winter, you're drunk!
  6. Might as well post. Not a football sports fan at all but I always like rooting for the underdogs, so... Go Chiefs!
  7. Everyone have a great new year and here's to many more holi-deals to come!
  8. Have a safe and Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. 18 days to Christmas, but 13 days until ths Skywalker saga comes to an end
  10. Congrats to all the winners
  11. Tonight my church is planning a big fire pit for everyone's turkeys and meat for Thanksgiving. Maybe that's why the forecast has heavy rain for tonight with a low of 39 degrees going into Thanksgiving day tomorrow! Well, I guess we'll see how the fire pit goes.
  12. I wish AMC was doing their 9-movie Star Wars marathon in my state
  13. Good thing Black Friday is late this year, because so am I.
  14. Not for me. One of the many perks of living in a state that doesn't care what time it is everywhere else
  15. Finally no more 100-degree weather. Finally!
  16. September already. That means It's almost ti-iiiiiiime...
  17. So the other day I was pickling up a donut and a Gatorade for breakfast when the cashier asked if I was 55 or over. Didn't know if I should feel complimented or offended (just turned 50 last month) so I said I'm at the age where I can't always remenber.
  18. Happy August Oh, and in case anyone is interested... Happy 120 days till Black Friday
  19. Happy Birthday to... umm... boy, I must be gettin' older because I'm losing my... oh yeah! Now I got it... To ME!!!
  20. Happy 'rednecks get to blow sumthin up' day
  21. Happy stationchief's birthday month everyone
  22. Lucky I just happen to be going through boxes getting ready for a move at the end of the month... The two on top left are the only regular GD t-shirts I have. The rest should be a near complete collection of the BF tees. Still waiting for my GD polo.
  23. Had the operation three months ago. Still having issues but that's expected. But rain or shine, the charts will continue on!
  24. Three months out from my spinal fusion surgery. Happy June everyone
  25. How about wallets, small purses, and/or fannie packs. I think we did GD backpacks at one point, didn't we? Also candies and M&M would work.
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