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Everything posted by Kayshar13

  1. wahoo just ordered dd wants this game so bad GREAT price!! First official gift i purchased for her this year! Pictureka List Price: $22.99 Price: $12.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $10.00 (43%) In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com
  2. i have been trying to decide if i should order it just for the sewing machine for my daughter but im guessing its nothing great if they are giving them away hmm
  3. I havent ordered yet but these are the cheapeast clearance items and looks like a great deal http://www.brylanehome.com/decor/3Pc-On-The-Go-Bag-Set.aspx?PfId=120450&DeptId=15324&producttypeid=1&pref=SavedBasket and you can still use the code above for the free sewing machine!! total would be $10.XX including shipping not too shabby but i really dont need either lol
  4. does anyone have a link to an inventory checker that works? I know the old one doesnt work right anymore but i had found another a few months ago and was thrilled it worked. My puter crashed and it was in my favs, now i cant find the site anywhere!
  5. wow great deal with free shipping too! I want to order but dang another huge toy to be in the way hmmmm
  6. i got a potty seat today for $1.14! I never look in the baby stuff but just happen to go down the aisle and look down couldnt believe it $1.14!
  7. im about to suck it up and just enter all the codes anyone want to trade???? :)
  8. I still have these!!! And theres even more points added in since i posted!! Willing to trade for GC's or coupons or anything really!!
  9. not sure if this was posted or not i havent had time to keep up but yesterday i went and they had the Airwick I-Motion plug in's on sale for $5.99 reg price was around $10 there were some hidden behind all the others with $3.00 off coupons on them so i got a bunch for $2.99 great dealio!!
  10. Thanks everyone they are still available, i would send the points USPS mail to whomever i was trading with
  11. I have 555 coke rewards points and adding more as we finish off looking to trade for GC's Gymboree coupons or any coupons or GC's for childrens clothing stores....
  12. you arent missing out trust me!! Biscuit is borrrring as heck thats why its so far down in price!! :) to be honest the most id pay for him is $20 hes fun for 5 mins then he sits in the corner.
  13. i got a Didj tonight $17.49 2 Didj Games Nancy Drew & Fosters something or other both $1.44 with the coupon and Fosters Leapster Game for $2.44 a Bratz Wild One or something wild doll with accessories and a little animal for $5 think thats it i couldnt remember everything thats been posted but NOTHING is actually marked at the store we were scanning left and right!
  14. glad everyone is getting some great deals too :)
  15. The childrens place www.thechildrensplace.com is having their 40% off monster sale and you can use this code STDSE on top of it for an additional 25% off i got a ton of great deals!!
  16. I purchased ink for my printer i opened the box and someone had returned an EMPTY ink cartridge, i couldnt believe it i dont even know how in the world they opened the box and got it in/out of there but the plastic wrap inside was clearly opened it wasnt a fluke thing. they looked at me like i was trying to pull something when i returned it but let me get a new one.
  17. we got a Hannah Montana DS Gift Pack Includes a Game, glitter stylus, ds case and screen protectors for $7.49!!! My dd really doesnt like Hannah but she is loving the game GREAT buy!!
  18. glad you guys are grabbing them i'll live through your purchases i have wanted one forever just cant do it right now!! The price is amazing!! wahhh
  19. I want to cry i have never seen it go this low and ive been watching it forever and now that its a great price i dont have the much to blow on myself right now wahhhhh hope someone else gets the great deal!! http://www.amazon.com/Farouk-CHI-Inch-Ceramic-Hairstyling/dp/B0009V1YR8/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1233639645&sr=8-1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31NKA7K73RL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  20. aw darn looks like im too late i dont see that offer anywhere darn!
  21. too funny im seeing all these clearance items posted all over my craigslist at regular price
  22. what a waste i went to our "far away" target and nothing was 75% i swear i give up our close target doesnt have anything left so no point in even checking to see if they are 75% off i am so curious how come everyone is getting the Didj for $22 ours are still regular price in both stores i quit
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