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Everything posted by verusca

  1. Some stores here have a "plan" either police or extra workers outside to monitor. Last year at walmart a woman called in police to report a line jumper, pretty funny especially since they showed up! My neice in law and I go every year and it seems like we always meet newbies and take them under wing cause they don't have a clue. Again, last year we met two sisters who have never been out on BF, when the doors opened we each took one by the arm or whatever we could grab and helped them in the door to their items, they would have never made it because as time was ticking to opening the crowd got tight so that no one could push or jump line!
  2. any word yet on the ad??
  3. make sure you have your ad copies with you and don't be scared to ask an associate for help if you have problems locating what you want,,,I have had managers before offer upgraded ex. tv's for the sales price because they admited the company only sent 3 or so...it pays to ask.
  4. I will be this year, we moved back closer to family so it is pretty exciting... we will have the usual stuff plus I like to bake so there will be extra goodies before we lived almost an hour away so we "came" to dinner because the rest of the family live close together and now we do to! There are anywhere from 15 to 25 of us.
  5. ..reassurance.....that every child no matter what age, keeps or atleast has known the true spirit of Christmas and the magic that comes with the season
  6. trampolines are fun however we have had 2 and the second one fell apart with the kids on it! We always supervised and made sure no more than 2 jumping at a time because what we thought would happen (and it did). The first one we were going to move it a 3rd time and decided not to and we were going to recycle the material but a friend begged for it so we gave it to them. It is like a lot of things you put together,,,the more you take apart and put back the flimsier it seems to fit. (the 2nd we only had 2years and never took it apart it fell apart) Another issue we had, with bad wind we had to always tie it down which meant flipping it over so wind would not take it off and end up in someone's home or ours for that matter.
  7. A biggy....I agree no purse whatsoever...I use a fanny pack that actually fits under my sweater and coat, in the fanny pack I keep an extra copy of sales ad, extra key for car, and also separate my cash and credit cards so one or the other doesn't fall out when getting to the cashier. I put all my receipts in the back zipper compartment for safe keeping and the pack doesn't come off until I am done for the day. Attitude, keep it cool and know what you are looking for and go for it! Don't let one loss keep you from being successful.
  8. little tykes four wheeler.....my son still rides it when his john deere runs outa juice! he is 3 1/2 now. fewer gifts seem better at that age, it can be very overwhelming and almost not fun,,,,,plus boxes and tissue paper still seem to get the most laughter and use! go figure.
  9. No panic attacks for me.....my attitude is....I don't have to have anything,,,,,I just want it! I refuse to beg our girls for a list this year, ages 12,13,14,15 (3 step and mine is the 14 yr old) last year we asked I know 10 times...not this time only once. Our son who is 3 1/2 will be fun to shop for and also my hubby, he is a big kid anyways. Good luck to all!
  10. verusca


    Pretty cute....and true!!
  11. We did 90% of ours yesturday and we still have the bushes and front porch to do....we got a few more yard decorations this year which took a lot of time because the way they box them is hard to get out without losing pieces.. .my tree has been up for almost two weeks along with most of the inside of our home...decorated the only thing I wont be setting up is my village....my 2 1/2 year old and his puppy are a tad bit pre occupied with each other and even though both are mindfull, I rather be carefull and wait:banana01: If people want to show their spirit early...then they should.....it is not up to anyone to tell them no or don't...for the most part they pay their taxes just like everyone else.
  12. verusca


    First of all know what you want and if you can have helpers call them and get a game plan. Have a cell phone,,,much easier. Prepare yourself, I usually ditch the purse and use my fanny pack which I always wear layers and end up having/wearing it under 1 or 2 just for safety. In it I always take the ad paper with me so that there is no mistake....sometimes I even get an extra paper and cut out the specific item and keep the whole other paper in my pack just incase. Once I get into the store the first associate that asks me if I need any help I show them what I want and usually get it quicker because they know where it is (unless the first few seconds I feel they don't then I ditch them). Be willining to leave it behind unless it is the one thing you have to have. If you have helpers then divide what all of you want and make sure everyone knows the must haves....(this is where the extra ad cutouts work real good) Receits all go in a designated spot, I use the back of my pack, it has a separate area there. ALWAYS watch and make sure all your stuff makes it to the bag while it is being rung up that way it elliminates having to look again when you get to your car. As for lineing up,.....I am in Charlottesville Virginia and the lines are forming earlier and earlier each year. You almost have to be in line several hours before opening...this is where it helps to have helpers...take turns standing in line unless security of sorts wont allow you to leave the line. You can also be ready with extra cash in case you see someone you know in line ahead, ask them to get your must have and get their cell number. Other hints...never turn your attention from your cart/basket because Murphy's law, you are there getting items everyone else wants and supply is much more limited than the demand for it so people can be sneaky and to them everything is up for grabs....just watch out same goes for putting stuff in your vehicle. I go for the fun and hunt of a deal, others are not quite so nice so always just watch out and have fun......oh........a nice word to most associates on this day works wonders for service.......they are humans too. If you don't see what you want for example the pallet of portable DVD players is empty don't give up 100%...as you are going through looking for other stuff look to see if anything looks out of place....I found one close to the check out hidden behind chocolate cherrys. There are so many other tidbits,,,,just go have fun and realize the first few times you go,,,,most of your stuff will not be available but don't let that stop you...you will find deals you did not know about.
  13. Usually what I try to do is get personal stuff they use, you know---lotion, perfume, hair stuff, razors for the older girls, ect. Then something specific they can use for their hobbies. Same for the hubby and the dog gets toys and bones while the horses get carrots and other treats....yes they have stockings too!
  14. A bunch of us go out on horseback every year a few days before Christmas. We have done it in the dark and have done it during the day. Night or pre-night works best, more people at home. We go the weekend before and place cards in the mailboxes to let the neighbors know when we will be comming through and if they want us to stop they will be outside or leave their light on the front porch if they want us to stop. Most of the time a few have warm drinks and snacks for us as well as carrots and such for the horses. It seems to be a big tradition I have been fortunate to be able to join in for the past 7 years! Something about the sound of horse's hoof beats and jingle bells (for those whose mounts don't mind) makes all the kids happy.
  15. A Christmas Story
  16. I have never heard of it before either?? we use a ladder since we put lights on our trees outside too.
  17. Past few years we invested in a multi-colored prelit tree in which I add 2 boxes of white lights to and actually weave the lights closer to the inside so that they will illuminate the ornaments that normally dont get seen. I use to do it when we had real or not prelit. Makes the tree kinda come awake because none of the white lights are on the outside.
  18. we have a neighbor that fit the classic Discover commercial last year, everytime we left and came back, he had something new and evidently per another neighbor, you know how they talk, we were informed that we would be out done this year! This morning I noticed the first neighbor allready had lights on his house and in the bushes but not on yet. we have those new snow globes and some other stuff we had collected to add to last years stuff. We don't do it to compete, we do it because we can and want to! I guess he does it for his reason. Mind you, this Halloween he did not pass out candy
  19. Yep...one of the most "discussed" topics in our house since last week. Last year I waited per hubby only to come home one afternoon to see he started and of course, got flubbered way before agreed time.....you know putting the wrong end up in the tree and having to take them down and redo (I might add several times, same mistake) and then the lighted figures...oh my gosh...we had to run so many drop cords because lack of good/thought out/ spacing we kept throwing breakers!! It got to the point that we had a choice between lights outside and TV or lights outside and dinner, anything more kept us running to the box!! This year, I will do the lawn decorating and then let him do the bottom of the outside trees so that they will be right! (before agreed time) LOL
  20. Last year for the first time here in Charlottesville Virginia WM had us line up single file all the way around the building with police and security officers enforcing no line breaking and/or charging the front door. We had a situation in the past where people were hurt....needless to say that makes the morning come even quicker if WM is first on the list! good luck
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