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About blue_eyed_girli

  • Birthday 09/22/1971
  1. My money went to all of the .com sites for: Target, Kohls and Amazon. I would have shopped at Walmart.com had their site actually HAD something worth while to buy. You may even quote me.
  2. I am a teacher. I need to get my grade level ladies a gift. I would like to spend up to $25 on each woman. I am drawing a blank. I did the Bath and Body Works candles, socks and lotion last year. I would appreciate any ideas.
  3. Does Target.com have the same things online as in the BF ad? I am looking to buy the queen size Aerobed. It is $49.00 in store. I don't think it will be a hot deal, but am concerned that it will be gone. I have never gone to Target early during Black Friday. I only want the bed. I just don't want to be in a crazy madhouse situation. I am a chicken! Thanks!
  4. My mom and I received sweaters and jammies that are the wrong size. I need to exchange them for a smaller size but I don't have the receipt. Will they accept my return? I hate to ask the person who gave them to me for fear of upsetting him but need the size that fits. Thank you for your reply. =)
  5. Honestly, I would love to receive: copy paper, construction paper, glue, crayons, copies of projects or homework pages (things we used to run but cannot anymore due to budget cuts), pencils, erasers, etc. Gifts would be really lovely, but my priorities are different this year. I really NEED supplies and I am sure other teachers do too. Ask your teacher what she or he needs and do that. It will be meaningful and WILL be remembered.
  6. well, to be really honest, school supplies are most needed now. my budget was taken from me. i have NO money to buy things and i certainly wont spend my own money any more. ask your teacher if she/he needs anything.
  7. Bed Bath and Beyond advertised them. I don't know how much they are though. My friend wanted one and I got it for him for Christmas. I found a site that had them for $149. The machine he got has three brewing sizes. He absolutely LOVED his gift. If you want more details, send me a PM.
  8. My gifts have been wrapped for almost three weeks. I am sick of looking at them. My cats are getting really bad with playing around them too. I will just be glad when everything is opened tomorrow. This waiting is the pits! ha ha.
  9. Our turkey is 14 pounds. Our Thanksgiving one was 16. They weren't on sale, so I wasnt going to spend a fortune on turkey. heh!
  10. Have you checked your grocery store? All the ones here have them. You have to look on the end cap displayers. They have Visa and Mastercards available. I hope yours do too.
  11. Thank you both! One of the children in my class gave some to me and it's a great idea. I want to take advantage of the upcoming sales. he he.
  12. I am looking for Christmas Tea Towels that you can use in the kitchen to dry hands. I want to get a set of two for my co-workers for Christmas next year. I have to buy for 5 or 6 people. Thank you in advance. :)
  13. I buy for my mom and two friends. I also buy for my co-workers but those are bulk gifts. I am giving everyone at work ornaments this year. =)
  14. Please let us know. I ordered two sets for my class and my remedial readers.
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