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  1. I had a TV adjusted at Target a few years ago. It was a 32 inch flat screen... I think I bought it for 300+ and got the difference back on black Friday.
  2. Thank you so much! I switched to mozilla and all the sale prices were there! Now I can go to bed...thank you thank you! Freaking TRU is so on my hate list now. Ugh.
  3. And before the prices went back to normal I was 4 cents away from $50, cripes!
  4. Ok, now everything is back to regular price. This is so not worth losing sleep over.
  5. OMG I am going crazy. I'm waiting on the vtech farm to change...when you look at the item it is $11.99, when you put it in your cart it is $23.99. ARGH!!!
  6. ugh, my prices changed but now my cart is stuck in limbo
  7. Argh...why are some 5 am prices showing up and not midnight pricess??? The digital frame key chains have one color at the sale price and the other 2 are still full price. Waiting on a wii game and a vtech toy to change so I can go to bed.
  8. Wow, I've never seen a 2 story target either!
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