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Everything posted by jstluvem

  1. As he slipped on the ice that left a watermark all his own
  2. I've hit a plateau with ideas this year. 20 of 25 grandkids done ..4 great granddaughters done... our 8 children and spouses is where I'm stuck. Budget is super tight so trying to be frugal. They are all so different in interests and so on Thought of the hand casting kits or personalized diamond painting..... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  3. I walked past him,my deals in tow
  4. Wasn't the maintenance guy after all...I think it's security from the mall
  5. I have no clue as you can see...Computer shopping for dummies is the book I need
  6. Woohoo!!! Thank you
  7. Yippee! I'm in
  8. Stumbled as I got to the door and woke up.....
  9. Hello November
  10. I will definitely be watching! MIZ....ZOU !
  11. That new TV.... let's head to Best Buy
  12. Info sent
  13. No fear gottadealers We will prevail! Get your order in and Brad will send it in the mail
  14. 1-Menards hasn't disappointed with their Black Friday sales or shopping experience.... followed by Walmart for socks 2- With 8 grown children-25 grandchildren-4great granddaughters I shop online all year ( shout out to magickalight and gottadeal for daily Amazon and all the deals ).I will be in line for Menards. 3-I miss the excitement of strategies.... sitting around after Thanksgiving dinner with my sister's ( they guide me from above now) and discussing our divide and conquer plans for each store.
  15. No worries... there's always a new contest
  16. Oh bother another Gottadealer... they are everywhere
  17. So I passed out shots to everyone in line... now the door busters will all be mine
  18. I looked at the bottle of water... Mom was sipping Clear Lightning funny name for
  19. Running and grabbing and filling their carts
  20. Now the CAT'S off my list time to get in line...
  21. No worries Brad will know what to do... until then we can all
  22. We started to chat about the deal at this store and realized
  23. Mary's Boy Child and White Christmas
  24. Around the block was the end of the line... so I
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