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Everything posted by chr05angel

  1. Ours is still at 5 and 7$ clothes clearance! I need to check my bigger location becuase they tend to mark down better.
  2. I have gone Eureka and will never go back. It beats a dyson any day. I have one for pets but they just came out with the Eureka Air for about $100 and it is said to work wonderful as well. The first link is the one I have and the second is the new one. Eureka Pet Capture Eurkea AirSpeed
  3. Has anyone in the KC area seen the path lights? where would they be located at?
  4. We went the craigslist route for a used truck. Found an awesome deal and took to a mechanic before we bought. Passed every test and had all new parts in it for things like brakes and spark plugs that need tending to. Today, its our best automobile. We looked at over 15 trucks and know this one was well taken care of and the guy had paperwork for EVERYTHING. And it passed the inspection by the mechanic and he couldnt even suggest any repairs besides new tires in about 5k miles which we knew would be coming up. Now in saying that, out of 15 trucks, about 10 were pure crap and the ads were not accurate. But, we could not have found a better truck than we did at any dealer in this condition. 2001 Dodge Dakota, looks like new, no body damage what so ever, only 90k miles on it and it was only $3800. 8 months later, still no repairs needed.
  5. Same here. Checked two stores. 1/2 off will create a run for them so hope of those aren't looking good for me. Our store only had about 20 packs left of various brands and the other hardly any at all at 30%.
  6. I thought so too but my target did away with the bulk section and put everything on endcaps today. Going to another target today. Would LOVE to score some NIVEA shampoo and soap.
  7. I went today to see if bulk was 50% yet. It was not but--- Got 75% off avent extra air flow pacifiers- 6 pack for 3.74. Bought 2 boxes for 0-6 moths and 2 for 6-18months Also got huge Pantene bottles for 1.98 and other random stuff that was on the 15% end caps was 50%. Got some chaptick, suave shampoo three packs and some toothpaste for 50% off. Check your end caps!!!! Scan if you are not sure!!!
  8. I went there today. Some vday was 50% off some not even 25% off! They drive me insane! Then one store has clothes for $1 and the same shirt at another walmart is full price! You would think their computers can just do sku markdowns across the board
  9. Our Target had some good items left for 90% vday. Got kids books for 10 cents, two kitchen towels for 40 cents, kids bowls and plates for 17 cents, throws for 50 cents and valentines (silly band star wars and smuckers chapstick) less than a dollar a piece.
  10. I managed to get the Vday candy at 50% off as well as the other Vday items. A lady in front of me claimed it was 50% so cashier adjusted and did the same for me. I bought ten bags of M&M's for a party for 1.40 a piece, then had a $1 off 2, so each bag was $.90 I thought that was a good deal. NOw waiting for there to be something left over when it hits 75%!
  11. Everythibg winter they want out the door. Registers were ringing up all wrong some even at full tag price. Cashiers were overiding everything to 80% to 90%
  12. Got about 10 shirts for 2.97 each for my husband. Both button up flannel and tshirts. Got button up dress shirts 5 for 4.97 each. Got myself 4 of the soft sweaters that I love for 4.97. Got another 20% off today with coupon. Great sale! Walked away with three bags for under 60 dollars! Not bad for almost 20 items.. avg about 3 bucks a piece!
  13. Headed to mine now hubbyvwent to look for me. Said entire store is basically clearence . Tons of stuff
  14. Called today. Lady was so awesome! Took my email to email me and said they don't have any word from corp so it won't be today or tomorrow, but they are waiting because stock is high and she said they did it a week before last year. She said they are hoping for mid next week or friday at latest
  15. Our kc op store had up to but she said additional is coming very soon because they have so much left I saw,pullovers and pants for kids marked to 4.99 so 2.50 would be awesome
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