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  1. I think the worst I have ever seen, was at the Walmart in Grants New Mexico. It is a small town and a small Walmart. I was traveling through New Mexico and as it turned out, the town of Grants was where I would be for the bf sales. Walmart had the cheap laptop I wanted, so I arrived at 3 a.m. and took my place in line. I was 8th in line and the store would open at 5 a.m. I had called ahead and found out the store had 8 of these laptops, so I figured I had a good chance of getting one. I had never been to this Walmart and had no clue as to how the store was setup. It was cold as heck standing out there as the temperature was hovering at 10 degrees. The time was now 4:00 a.m. and my number eight in line had now become 12th. It seems the third and fourth persons in line were employees of a company (refinery, prison...can't remember now). The company has a big Christmas party every year and the employees were there to purchase gifts for the party. It seems they had a huge budget to work with as they were planning on purchasing the bigger ticketed items. They had well organized sheets of paper with photos and details of each item they were intending to buy. I was impressed!! All of this was fine with me until others employees started dribbling in and of coarse they got in line with their co-workers. Then they started making phone calls to others to make sure they were up and on their way. To top it off, it seems those well organized sheets of paper also had names assigned to them. As a co-worker would arrive they would hand them their assigned sheet and go over the details to make sure they understood their assignment. By the time the doors were getting ready to open, the two original co-workers had grown to ten or twelve. I had grumbled, stomped my feet and voiced my opinion, but it seems this is how it goes every year. My neighbors in line were not real happy about the situation, but they were not willing to do anything about it either. I had never been a pusher, shover, runner etc. when the doors opened for a bf sale. But, when the doors opened that cold morning in Grants, I pushed, shoved and ran like the wind and was first to arrive at the electronics department. I got my laptop and all the other items on my list. As for the company employees, I ran into a few of them in the store....they were walking around with dazed looks, with their sheet of paper in hand.
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