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liz harley

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Everything posted by liz harley

  1. I saw those and thought they were really nice and you are right -they did not look like Christmas at all. great find. of course they were gone by time I got off work and got to T:mad:
  2. for those of you who don't have a Dillard's close by..some of these deals were online. I just checked now and was looking at the chidren's clearance- go to Dillards.com type in sale...then click on the section you want to view. still great prices coming up the manager at my dillards got hit in the head with the door when she opened it, and then got hit in the nose at the Coach counter.
  3. I bought this during the summer for DH...paid 35.00 after all Q's and (ECB's)bucks. for that price it works pretty good, not high end like the Garmin or Nuvi's...but does what it is supposed to. HTH
  4. I hate to see people lose their jobs..sad time with our economy
  5. Isn't it the best feeling when you find those !!!!!
  6. QUOTE=Stephy685;1329054]Hello everyone! This is my first post, but I admit I've been lurking around for about 2 weeks, making sure the members were a good fit for me! I'm from Northeast Ohio, and my target had a ton of college 08 stuff @ 50% over the weekend. They are undergoing a huge remodel, so stuff was scattered throughout the store! Nice to meet you all! which Target do you shop at?
  7. I got mine today...make sure you check all JC Penney ads- I almost threw one away once!!!
  8. my Target had the Off lanterns and when I scanned them, they were 30% ( sheesh) the Boardman store had the calphalon turkey roasters 75% off (there were 4 left) and they also had the silicone bakeware sets ( I got the last one) for those getting the Barbie hot wheels -you can use the 5.00 HW peelie.
  9. any coupons to go with this deal ? (I am getting cheaper by the minute-sorry)
  10. our K is so picked over...look for the tear pads by the cards for 2.00 off...just match the upc to a card and it scans (no beeps) for overage. i also found some name stickers by the stationary-all they had was Justin and it scanned .01.
  11. woohoo...just got back from the K BC 70.xx ac 17.00 (and that's because they had kids clothes for .90 and ladies summer tops for 2.10 (got some for my mom). they also had a flyer in the front of the store that had Scott t-paper for 5.00 and Pepsi 2 L for .87 (or something like that). It was sooo hot in the store-I don't think they had the air on- I was sweating at the checkout. some of my Q's beeped, but my cashier was great. if you are using the 2.00 off pantene (priced 4.49) don't forget to use the bogo(s) and get free styler.Goodlife dry dog food was 4.79 and had 2.00Q.
  12. has anyone been able to print at the kiosk lately? I could not find the coupons...seems like the set up is different. Also, I have suggested this before...take the blue paper home from the kiosk and put it in your printer and print your IP's. you also save paper :)
  13. was at Target (again) last pm.. found a Mommy and me doll for halloween ..scans-INF. it was in a shelf with the regular dolls . for those of you who can get price adjusted for INF..check it out. my Target is not helpful when this happens-but I know many of you can get some good pricing.
  14. Kmart in Boardman, Ohio was handing out flyers for "super double manufacturer coupons up to and including $2.00 value". Thursday Sept 4 to Monday Sept 8. No IP's per manager. the clearance toys were an extra 20% off.
  15. the FFS (fuel for school) coupons work for the poptarts/keebler cookies/ krisipies (buy 9.00 get 5.00 GC)
  16. does anyone know when the first official Black Friday started?
  17. I voted large so I would have a lot of room to run in it..but xl is good too. i like my clothes loose on BF :gdtshirt::gdtshirt: :holiday08:holiday08:holiday08:holiday08
  18. today is the last day..but you can still get in on the deal: Black and Decker digital coffee maker on sale (34.99) for 21.99. there is a Rite aid coupon in one of the flyers (they were stacked in the entrance) right by the wkly ads for 10.00 of B&D coffee pot. brought the total to 11.99 and there is a 5.00 single check rebate. now if I can find a B&D rebate- would be even better.
  19. this is ridiculous! Many of the stores are giving many of us grief over Q's. My WM will not take any IP's. Heard T is also giving customers a hard time. I was using Q's at the grocery store and the manager said I couldn't use them if I got the item for free Isn't that the point
  20. what is the order you gave the Q's? did you have to pay for the first one?
  21. can the cartridges be refilled?
  22. would any of these coupons apply to the Wii fit??
  23. I don't think it is good karma-would come back to bite me, so I wouldn't do it
  24. I am absolutely loving putting together the avatars and names and who all of you really are!! I'm Liz, and really..Harley is my dog and she is as smart as Lassie-maybe even smarter! Married with children x3 (if you see me reference 'Irisbee' in the threads, it's because she is my DD.) We have been doing the black friday thing for a long time..anyone remember what year it officially became BF? I have been at the middle of the crowd at WM and made it to #1 at the electronics counter to get BF stuff (hey, not too bad for an older woman-i had to jump over carts ). I had asked Brad (one of the mods) if we could get "gottadeal" tshirts to wear-so hopefully we can wear one and see our fellow gottadealers out there. BF..here we come :gdrunner::gdrunner::gdrunner:
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