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Everything posted by debbieshops2003

  1. I will see 9.99 when I try and add to cart it won't add it. I get this message: Your Shopping Cart is empty.Your Shopping Cart lives to serve. Give it purpose--fill it with books, CDs, DVDs, toys, electronics, and more. Continue shopping on the Amazon.com homepage , learn about today's deals , or visit your Wish List . The price and availability of items at Amazon.com are subject to change. The Cart is a temporary place to store a list of your items and reflects each item's most recent price. Learn more Do you have a gift card or promotional code? We'll ask you to enter your claim code when it's time to pay. When I refresh it shows 27.99 for blu ray. ****EDIT**** ok.....I'm a dork!!!! This isn't even the movie I want. This one is on sale for 9.99 at Best Buy too. (shipping is 2.99 or pick up in store) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/rise-of-the-guardians-blu-ray-3d-3-d-ultraviolet-digital-copy/8103043.p?id=2650398&skuId=8103043 I want : Guardians of the Galaxy that won't be released until This title will be released on December 9, 2014. I only figured it out when Best Buy has it available for pick up today and thought....WHAT??? That can't be right. DUH!!! My kids already have this one.
  2. Do you know what qualifies as "accent furniture"? I wanted a console table. It said nothing in my cart qualifies. Just wondering if it is specific items? TIA
  3. I didn't get one and I'm still waiting for my order to arrive. My sister got one and she didn't have to wait as long and has received her order. Wonder how they chose who gets one.
  4. Love this! Makes shopping so much easier! Thanks for sharing!
  5. Thanks for posting! I didn't know this. Will save me time and headache!
  6. Thanks! I ordered one for each of my 3 nieces. Cute.
  7. I'm not sure if this is only supposed to be Clearance or Sales too. But I thought this was a good price. TRU has the double pack for $74.99 and Target has double pack for $59.99. I had my son order one and I ordered one to get two for $42.00. My little guys (10 and 12) will like them. $24.99 - 5.00 coupon = 19.99 + tax for me = $21.54 each http://www.amazon.com/Lazer-Tag-Single-Blaster-White/dp/B0085WX15Q/ref=pd_sim_t_1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Gkv%2B3cbyL._AA300_.jpg
  8. I wanted to upgrade my son's phone (basic) for Christmas. I JUST noticed that $30.00 upgrade free. WTF??? Seriously??? Like we don't pay enough??? I have an iphone 4 (unlimited) my son has a Samsung Galaxy (4 gigs) then I have two basic phones....the two basic phones are old (like 3 years). My Iphone is almost 2 years old....I would think they'd let you keep your plan. They have to make the money on the monthly plans...not the phone. Not to mention how much they get every month for my home phone, Fios TV and Internet service. Where is the customer appreciation????
  9. I just bought my mom the kindle Fire 7" for $139.00 from Best Buy. I know my mom won't use it much. but would like her to have some technology but I can't afford an ipad or anything. I also got the docking station to charge it or listen to music on sale for $29.99.
  10. Sounds like a great nephew....How great is he? How much does he love his aunt. I went to Best Buy and picked up an ad. Best Buy has the ipod on sale for $179.99. I took the ad to Target. They price matched the $179.99 and I still got the gift card. I know its extra work, but he might be willing to. They usually have a stack of ads right inside the door. The ad only says ipods are on sale. She looked on an ipad they have for customer service employees....so he may not even NEED the ad. It couldn't hurt to ask.
  11. They don't know how much time we search for deals. Thanks for posting. I use it enough to be happy I have it. But not enough to pay for it.
  12. Best Buy has it for 179.00 (without a gift card) too. If you have a bestbuy close.
  13. I've been trying. The only night it came back in stock was Sunday? Since then I haven't seen it.
  14. Oh Duh!!! Didn't realize the original post was from November. Was wondering how it was 8.99. Thanks so much for posting. I missed it the first time. I needed tape. went to wrap presents and had about enough to get through ONE.
  15. Awesome thanks!!! I started one for my sister and didn't finish it. An extra day would be great! (as I sit here on the computer looking for deals. hahahahahaha)
  16. It was sold out fast ( like by 12:50) I ordered Assassin's Creed 3 from Best Buy for 34.99. That's the best price I've found (other than this of course)
  17. Asssasin's Creed III is out of stock on Xbox.... But I got FIFA 13 for $24.99.
  18. WOW....DON'T KNOW HOW I MISSED THIS WHEN IT WAS ORIGINALLY POSTED!! THANKS GINNY123 for bumping. I just ordered two pairs of boots. RIGHT ON!!!!
  19. SPY NET: Stealth Video Glasses $14.99 http://www.amazon.com/SPY-NET-Stealth-Video-Glasses/dp/B004X4X3N0/ref=ty_blfr11_spynet_63pct?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=13CAR5XJ744GWA381Z2K&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1339699762&pf_rd_i=360960011 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31Nde9vCU1L._SL500_AA300_.jpg Spy Net: Video Watch 2.0, with Night Vision $19.99 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004USRAWO/ref=s9_al_bw_g21_ir01?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-8&pf_rd_r=13CAR5XJ744GWA381Z2K&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1339609082&pf_rd_i=360960011 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41p9iRWxDaL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  20. Oh, Thanks for posting! My niece LOVES Justin Beiber. I'm off to Claire's. THANKS!!!!
  21. I thought this was a good deal on Just Dance 3 + $10.00 Gift Card. Regularly $39.99 Sale $34.99 My total was $37.70 with California Tax. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat258400050035 You have to add both the game and the $10.00 gift card. http://images.bestbuy.com/BestBuy_US//en_US/images/abn/2011/tg/pcon/f_justdanceGC1120_03.jpg
  22. They added free shipping on all purchases. No minimum.
  23. Ahhh....you beat me to it. hehehehee I guess its because you have to hit "SUBMIT" and not just expect it to know what to do on its own.
  24. My son just informed me this is in store too. No coupon needed. 40% off entire purchase. Happy Shopping! I may go get that belt and that sweater I wanted.
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