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Everything posted by akdillard

  1. I agree, stay away from Sprint! I switched from Cingular, and so regret it!
  2. Had my cart full of the manicure sets, but they are all sold out now. Didn't get them!
  3. Thank you! My mom collects Jim Shore, and they had a Santa on there for 18.50!!!
  4. If I were you, I would just go out and buy a cheap one for the time being, then the day after Christmas go buy a really nice one. A friend of mine is also allergic to real Christmas trees. He can be around one for a while, just could never have one in his own house.
  5. We called EVERY sports store in our area yesterday, nothing! Seems everyone is sold out or either doesn't carry pro merchandise. I have officially given up!
  6. WE actually make a basket for my grandma, put everyday items in it: shampoo, soap, lotion, deoderant. Then we make her another one with food: dried beans, soups, and other non perishables. She loves this and it isn't another nicknack to clutter up her house. I have also found that my grandmother really appreciates personalized items, such as the calendar listed above. Good luck!
  7. The JCPenney one was FANTASTIC, unfortunately when I put in the extra large and try to add it to my cart it says it is currently not available. We called the other place you mentioned and they can't guarantee it by Friday! Oh well, I figure he can just wait and buy one at the game on Saturday! Thanks for your help though!
  8. Thanks for trying, unfortunately those products won't leave the warehouse for 5-7 days. I called to see if there was any way of speeding that up, and there isn't!
  9. I need a Dallas Cowboys hoodie that can be overnighted. Desparately need it by Friday. Several places online carry them, but they will not leave the warehouse for 5-7 days. Need a 2XL. No where around me has them in stock either! HELP!
  10. I always got my bill with my shipments, and it seems like shipping and handling was always a bit high too
  11. I can attest that they do take forever to ship. Last year I ordered at the beginning of October and didn't get my items till mid December!
  12. Got my stuff on Tuesdays and they are fantastic pullovers. Prices on them are marked 50, I ended up paying 12.50 each after the codes. not sure if they are still active though.
  13. I wrapped mine up as a gift and it is under my tree! From what I remember the straps are about 10 inches from the top of the purse to the highest point on the strap (so if you measured the whole strap from one end to the other it would be about 20 inches). Personally for me, this is way to big to be a purse, but too small to be a tote! Would make a nice bag to carry on job interviews when you need a few things and want to look put together and organized.
  14. I also bought this purse a few weeks ago. It is so muh prettier in person than online!
  15. Wow, can't believe I forgot to put the website....oops! Ha ha
  16. Bath sets ate ELF are now $15.00, use coupon code EGSETBX and pay only $10.00 each You must order $25.00 and do so before 12/15 And while you are on, order makeup! I love their bronzers and eyeshadows! And you can't beat 1.00! http://www.eyeslipsface.com/gallery_big/10469.jpg
  17. Anyone that ordered Sunday, has your order shipped yet?
  18. Just FYI...my husband still uses a disposable blade razor. He LOVES the Gillette Mach 3 razor that vibrates. It is battery operated and cheap. Blades are a bit pricey, but overall worth it!
  19. Live in South Carolina and no where around me seems to carry them anymore! Most places online offer free shipping after 49 dollars, but DH definitely does NOT need that many jelly bellys! Ha ha! I am sure if I keep looking somewhere online will have free shipping for 25...or here's hoping, anyways!
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions! Unfortunately the candy store that had them in my mall closed down a few months ago! Hence my trouble! I will check these out!
  21. I need a site to get specific flavors of Jelly Belly's. In need of Strawberry Jam, Blackberry and Raspberry in 1 pound quantities. I have found several sites, but shipping is killer! Please help find one with cheap/free shipping! Thanks!
  22. akdillard


    Not sure abou Petsmart, but I always buy stuff online at Pet Treats Plus. They have a fantastic 99 cent sale and great prices on rawhides. Sorry I can't post the link, I am new.
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