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  1. Whew, thanks Marcster! I've been going back and forth between different models and price ranges but I think (still thinking) about going with the Tom Tom 3rd Edition. You can get it online now at Costco for $129.99. It doesn't have all the features I wanted (like text-to-speech and widescreen) but for the money, I think it will be a good starter GPS. It seems like so many electronics these days are basically disposable, so this way I don't have too much money invested when in a year or two something really good and cheap comes out. Thanks again for all your help. It's been a fun learning experience!
  2. Can I ask a stupid question? Okay, I will. What about battery time? Some only stay charged for 2 hours, like Tom Tom. Do they go into standby mode or something? Two hours seems like nothing when you're on a trip.
  3. Called Navigon re the free traffic subscription for my Office Depot purchase. They emailed me a redemption form. It is for the promotional period which means purchased between 11/18 and 11/24. You fill it out and send in the UPC and you will receive an activation code in the mail. You can then activate by phone or online.
  4. I bought the Navigon 2100 at Office Depot yesterday ($149 with freee traffice) and they also had trouble telling me how to get the free traffic subscription. There was no mail in rebate in the box, no rebate printed out on the receipt. Finally, they went to the website as if to register the product and found it there. I haven't done it yet so I'm skeptical. Will let you know.
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