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  1. My mom and I went this year. She is with me every other year. On the years mom is not here, I go by myself.
  2. Toys r us was empty. Walmart was crowded. The mall was very busy.
  3. We will decorate this weekend.
  4. 1. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf 2.What are 3 things on your Christmas list this year? Silhetto Cameo, gift cards, time 3. Does it snow where you live? sometimes 4. Do you celebrate Christmas, if not then what Holiday? Christmas 5. Favorite gift you've ever gotten? my boys -- Christmas babies 6. Worst gift you've ever gotten? a dog toliet brush 7. What time do you get up on Christmas? 7 am 8. Biggest pet peeve about the Christmas season? people complaining about Christmas 9. Favorite Christmas song? Little Drummer Boy 10. Would you rather it be cold & snowy or be kind of warm out? cold and snowy 11. Hot chocolate or eggnog? hot chooclate 12. Favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season? sweater and leggings 13. Anybody you're hoping to bump into under the mistletoe? my hubby 14. Embarrassing Christmas story? no 15. Favorite Christmas treat? hello dollies 16. Latest you've stayed up on New Year’s Eve? 1 am 17. Favorite Christmas character? Charlie Brown Christmas 18. What are you doing for the holidays this year? going to Texas to visit my brother 19. Ever been to someone else’s family’s Christmas? yes 20. Favorite pie flavor? pumpkin 21. Your favorite Christmas tradition growing up? looking at Christmas lights 22. White lights or colored lights? white 23. Favorite Christmas dinner dish? my mom's dressing 24. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day 25. What tops your tree? angel 26. Candy canes- Yum or Yuck? yum 27. Is this your first Christmas on Gottadeal.com? No 28. Do you hang mistletoe? no 29. Favorite Christmas activity? baking cookies with my boys 30. Favorite Christmas story? Jesus birth
  5. 1. Rude customers to employees 2. Customers that cut in line after I have been waiting for a long time. 3. Staff that do not know where things are in the ad. The management did not train them properly. 4. Slow staff that ring up very very slowly.
  6. We put the tree up Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. It will take me all day.
  7. I would rather get up early then shop all night long. I don't want to miss family time. I feel bad that the employees are losing another holiday with their families.
  8. I make photo cards every year. This way my family can see how the boys have grown.
  9. pjs, kids clothes, vacums
  10. I wil probably about the same to less. We are going on a disney trip in aJnuary.
  11. A DS - 3D for my little boy.
  12. Jake and Neverland Pirates is a favorite in our house plus the Legos.
  13. 1. Saturday night - not to late since on Eastern time 2. Best deals at stores and online 3. I always learn something. 4. Ustream is a little annoying. 5. 1 hour 6. when a major ad leaks.
  14. All of my work friends are anti-BF. My family knows I love deals and laugh and say good luck.
  15. Frederick and Germantown, MD
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