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  1. My five year old son wants for the second year in a row now a real live pig. The look on Santa's face last year was funny when it was his request.
  2. Any idea if or when they will mark down the legos?
  3. returned a lego table in avon, ohio last night. We bought one a fifty percent cause it was a must have and found another one at 75
  4. Anyone see the Lego stuff go 75%?
  5. Does Dillards have any type of hold policy? We dont have the credit card, but wanna be able to get in on the deal tomorrow. Will they hold stuff till Thursday for non cardholders?
  6. Anyone else seeing the DSI on clearance? My son had his DS in his dads car and someone did a kick run by and grabbed that and a GPS. I feel bad for him and wanna get him a new one.
  7. Anyone know when they might mark down the larger baby stuff? The strollers and such. I've been watching for three weeks and the price hasn't changed.
  8. I got an email saying the coupon is coming. Didn't see anything about any 9 am deals on the 11th. Would love to know if this is going to be as good as Black Friday deals or not. Waiting on getting my three year old four of the medium sized stuffed animals and four shirts... we leave for Disney soon after Black Friday
  9. Trying to get a working link to this coupon. The email link I got from love a deal, comes up as a message about SPAM. I have no idea what is wrong but would really love the coupon. Can anyone help
  10. Found that the G.I. Joe stuff went at some stores but not all to 75 off
  11. How much will the Leapster be with the coupon?
  12. If anyone gets one and doesn't need it let me know... my two year old is stuffed animal lover.... he wants to make one every time we go to the mall...
  13. Nope they were not there for charity. They told someone they stock up for their kids and sell the rest for a big profit. There was one lady there who was collecting for a charity, but she was very friendly about it. If it was something she had a lot of and was something someone really wanted she would give one of it away. I think it is great that people can stock up for charity, but to do it to turn around and sell all of it just is not fair to those who could benefit from the sale.
  14. We got to Target at like 8:45. The employees were all being great as it was very busy. The only problem was the shopping pair that had three of the flat bed carts stacks high of toys and two carts stacked. They of course were there at opening but were very very rude and taking seven or eight of everything. They took up lots of room with all their carts and such also.
  15. Is it 3 items in the 45 days or is it 3 returns in the 45 days. I know after my kids birthday we did a few returns and that was over 45 days ago. Want to make sure it is safe to return again. I know in like October we did three different returns but pretty sure it was like 10 different items. There great grandma always forgets how old they are.
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