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Posts posted by prissyturner

  1. As a die hard fan for black friday and always wanting to save money BF 2007 the mall in Gainesville was giving out gift bags to the first 500 people through the door at 6 a.m. so went to Penny's first then went to the front of the mall was about 50th and had been drinking coffee all night. I got in got my bag. Then was stuck like a dang sardine from the people that were coming from all directions by now. Anyhow all the bags were gone in like less then 2-3 mins. The mall was not open so I had to go back out and fight the traffic just to get across the street to the 24hr gas station. Naturally the women'sn was full. Heck I had to go so I done what anyone would do announced my self and went in to the men's and coming out seen so very "high" people in my job. A bit weird but hey I felt good and won a $25.00 gift card at the mall. Would do it all the same again.
  2. we usually go to tampa to shop. (because we have family there) but i went to gainsville last year. at tru was first in line at midnight. they were shocked. so they gave me 2- $10.00 gift cards. cool, I didn't want anything but the deals In tampa it's crazy too I was glad I got there early by the time I came out talk about night mare for the people in the back of the line.. I would have hated to be them lol:tired: :tired: :tired:
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