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Everything posted by ixrayu05

  1. It went through fine for me. Thanks OP! I didn't have anything in my cart, I clicked on the top right box and before it brought me into anything it asked me for the code. good Luck!
  2. If anyone else has some extras, I would be really interested as well, I just found out I'm preg with #2, so I will have 2 in diapers. Thanks.:)
  3. Thanks, I got Thomas, they were out of all of the others. I wanted to see some of the others, since my daughter already has a thomas. But at least I found that one!
  4. I have an old navy coupon for $50 off the purchse of $100, I would trade for diapers, itunes, suave. I'm not sure what you have left over.
  5. That is so wierd....I wonder if you cleared your cookies and went back and tried, if that would make any difference. Good Luck!
  6. That is all I did too, I just clicked on the little shopping cart. I didn't have any problem. I am using Internet Explorer. I don't know if that makes a difference.
  7. I just did it with no problems, so I am not sure what was going on for you. Thanks OP, seems cute and for only $3.
  8. Can you really take stuff back if you don't have your invoice, but it payed with the kohls charge? Because I really need to do that then. TIA
  9. I am soooo excited, I went to Target 1st thing when they opened, and they had gotten 8 more in, so I got some today. My mom is so going to be happy. She keeps saying that her and barbie turn 50 this year!:)
  10. I want to get 2 of these, they are out everywhere around me. I want one for my DD, and one for my mom, since that's also the year she was born.
  11. I hit the motherload on perfum/cologne sets! I got a curve set, usher, a liz claiborne variety set, white diamonds, a j-lo set, polo, and a ton more, they were priced from like .99-2.99. Thank you so much for bringing all of that to my attention, after my ECB's I paid under $3 out of pocket.
  12. Thanks, I will have to take a look. Are the cologne sets essence of beauty brand as well?
  13. What do these robes look like? and where are they located in the store?
  14. My crayola stuff rang up 90%, but I only for 1 set of twistables, and 2 of the glitter sets. I found a whole bunch of chocolate in the regular isle. I also got a wicker hinged top basket, that someone must have returned from the home event, for like $32.50, I believe, I was excited it was regularly 129.99
  15. Wow I can't believe there are two ballerina quilts left by you, I have been looking all around for that. We just got my daughter into her twin size bed from her toddler bed, so I have specifically been looking for bedding.
  16. I believe they were like 1.49 and .99, if I remember correctly I don't have my receipt here.
  17. I got some of the color explosion sets and also a dora color wonder set, and they were all in the smaller packages.
  18. I was so excited I found someone's stash yesturday, so I got like 2 bratz baby angels, 5 puppy in my pockets, 3 of those kitty fizz things, a case of individual boxes of sweet tarts for 2.48, 2 packages of the heart etch a sketches. And a ton more. I did get myself some of the vday shirts, but I dont like the way they fit, so I am going to return those.
  19. Thank you! Did they have a special package? I know the crayons were in a box that said like coloring book crayons for .49 and I found a bunch in the regular isle.
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