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Posts posted by ixrayu05

  1. I have two J-Buck codes if anyone wants them to use online only today.Spend $100 save $50 not a bad deal.You have to pay for shipping unless someone knows a free ship code.I will PM the codes to the first person that PM's me.Plez dont take them if your not going to use them.Thxs.

    I sent you one!

  2. I just ordered pets and I couldn't find my shopko card so I had to pay for shipping and I was too nervous that I wouldn't be able to get them at checkout to look for anything else to get to the $75 so I just sent it through!!!! Now I can go on with my life and forget about these freakin' toys!!!!!!

    Thanks so Much for posting....


    I am so glad you were able to order some!


    I was so nervous too, I didn't even see the spot to put in the card #, but I just called and the lady adjusted it for me right away.


    She also told me that these will be shipped out on Mon/Tues!

  3. Please!!


    I am looking for some Similac Formula Coupon/Checks...I was breast feeding and then started having problems, so now we are on to formula.


    I tried calling in March to get added to their list, and I still haven't gotten anything, so I called again and the lady told me my status is pending.


    If anyone has any extra's I would be happy to send a SASE.



  4. It won't help anyone for Christmas & I don't know where all of you are at, but in Wisconsin once a year in May / June -ish they have a sale near Milwaukee (I think it was by Milwaukee, I can look up the exact info later if anyone wants it) of seconds and returns. They look brand new! They have the sale once a year and the bitty babies were $30 this year and the Molly & Rebecca... dolls were $60 and the books were $1-2 and they had other stuff really inexpensive. You have to buy a $5 ticket ahead of time and they mail you your tickets back with the time you are allowed into the sale. I think the whole thing was a fundraiser for the zoo, but they do it every year.


    And for anyone wondering if the dolls are really worth $90-100, the dolls hold up really well compared to dolls you get at the toy store. I know several girls in their late teens that still have their dolls from when they were little, it's something your daughter could pass on when she has a daughter. My daughter is almost 9 and plays with hers ALL THE TIME. Target has a brand of dolls with the same size clothes and similar accessories that you can use with AG dolls. I was leary even spending the $60 on the dolls but it was definietly worth it!


    It's not cheap, but they have a "hospital" that you can send your doll to get it fixed or it's hair un-knotted.


    And you don't even have to know how to sew, I had a scrap of fleece and made a little tie-blanket, poncho and googled "how to make a fleece hat" and made a had for my daughters dolls for Christmas.

    I would love to hear about the sale, I am only 30 mins from Milwaukee!

  5. This is from facebook:


    It's Black Friday, and Pampers did not forget about our wonderful fans! Here is our exclusive "Black Friday only" Gifts to Grow code 1234ABCD6789DEF worth 3 points!!!!!!


    Go to Pampers.com, log in to your account and copy/paste this complimentary code 1234ABCD6789DEF by 11/28/2009, to start collecting points for things you and your family can enjoy together!

  6. Free photo book from Photoworks. item # 3157086. Free shipping also. Promotional code is Bonnie.


    link: http://landing.photoworks.com/Producer.aspx?sid=524&sky=VJOPTT5X&pgi=3150&pgk=N9RQVUDH&rid=8751502&rky=7CM6F8HU&tky=129035801577343750

    (click on "as seen on the Bonnie Hunt show for details)


    The site has been VERY slow, but it's worth it in the end for a free book.


    You have to make the book and then put the code in for checkout so you don't know if you are under the "first 25,000" mark until you input the code.

    Thank you very much!! I used this to make a book for my new little guy!

  7. Just a heads up...on other boards people are posting that they got ESPN for free but it was charging $5 on their credit cards!! They starting printing a screenshot to prove that at checkout it was free. Not sure if they got them to take it for free or not.

    My order conf showed as this:


    Subtotal of Items: $5.00

    Shipping & Handling: $0.00

    Promotion Applied: -$5.00


    Total for this Order: $0.00



    So I am really not worried about getting charged, and if that's the case Amazon had great CS, so I will just have them cancel it.

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