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  1. If you love the HoneyBaked Ham Co here is a great deal today only. Any half ham up to 10lb is only $29.00 (reg. 48.95 - 68.95). Call 1-800-367-2426 and mention promotion code 123151 or go to http://www.honeybakedonline.com/HBOnline/Shop/Item.asp?CATID=3001&Promo=123151 Got Mine! Happy Leap Year! Jim
  2. Very dissapointing BF. First year I didn't camp out because nothing exceptional worth waiting for. Bought a few online items from BB, Amazon and Buy.com. I guess next year we can eat turkey ON Thanksgiving like everyone else. I think retailers will complain that shoppers didn't want to part with their cash. My theory is that retailers are failing marketing 101 and will have to do much better to get the online community back into the stores. See ya next year (or not)! Jim
  3. I reccomend anything OTHER than Toshiba. I have had three Toshiba laptops between my son and I and they have all required replacement of power supplies (which are soldered to the motherboard), overheating issues and the poorest customer support. Google toshiba laptop problems (especially power supply issues). Good Luck. I am a slow learner myself (it took 3 before I learned)
  4. Yep...I bought 7 and only 1 shipping for 4.99.....nice deal
  5. i have ordered a bunch......and they arrive in 10-14 days and look way better than I expected.
  6. code wouldnt give me free shipping
  7. how often do you use the mouse instead of the pen? the eraser seems like a must.......opinions?
  8. did anyone get one?
  9. I guess Uncle "Sam" doesn't Want You! Very weak ad on WalMarts part...this was their chance to get a leg up on the competition by creating a stir and they flubbed it.
  10. Found another deal for the "Cubs Fans" out there......$10.99 and it still takes the $5.00 off with the coupon code.......look under promotions on their site
  11. Technical Details Stylish, affordable notebook in silk white for everyday computing with widescreen 15.4-inch screen 1.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 processor, 160 GB hard drive, 1 GB RAM (4 GB max), 8x multi-format/dual-layer DVD drive Tri-mode Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g), 10/100 Ethernet, Intel X3100 video card with up to 251 MB of shared memory Connectivity: 4 USB, 1 FireWire, ExpressCard 34 slot, Memory Stick & SD readers Pre-installed with Windows Vista Home Premium (with Media Center capabilities)
  12. the 160GB model accepts up to 4GB of ram and has a few more advantages...look at rhe specific stats for the 160GB model
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