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Everything posted by aphex

  1. Its on sale on the site right now.
  2. So far it seems most stores have 4-5... i dont think there is a way in hell i'm gonna get one... What do i do? Run to Electronics and tell them to get me one? There are big, so i dont think it would be on the floor, would it?
  3. Haha, actually well it looks like newegg changed its price since two days ago... Its now $149.99 after $50 MIR Link
  4. Just a heads up, this is available at Newegg.com for $180 w/ Free Shipping and No Tax in most states.
  5. AFAIK, although the site says so, Nero Express 6.0 oem does not come with burning rom (the fully features main app were all used to), it comes with everything but. If you search around on the web for it, it seems most others have it listed as not coming with Burning Rom 6, but simply the watered down Nero Express.
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