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Everything posted by MrZone

  1. No 2 day shipments with po box, that was told to me years ago.
  2. That particular promotion ended like 10 minutes after it was announced yesterday, with all coupons being accounted for.
  3. The Madden 13 sale is showing for me under all, but will not show for me under video games. Hopes this helps those who want Madden 13.
  4. beware...that is the soundtrack, not the movie.
  5. All products on sale for the day are listed at 3AM est/ Midnight pst. Check Amazon then in order to set up your day.
  6. It might be your browser and/or the processing speed of your PC. Always keep that in mind.
  7. I'm not talking about just up converting , I'm talking about the entire Blu-Ray expirence.
  8. IMO, any HDTV with DVD player is worthless as a DVD player will not capture the full effect of the HDTV. You would be better off getting a stand alone Blu-Ray refurb.
  9. Didn't realize it. I bought mines at launch, and had no issues whatsoever. With that said, I'm looking at getting a 42 inch Vizio 3D in a few weeks.
  10. Sony has a 24 inch 3D 1080p 120hz monitor for 179.99, best deal on the market IMO. It has built in speakers and comes with one set of 3D glasses.
  11. A Glass free 3D TV will retail about 10 Grand for 40 inches once released in the next 4 or 5 years, so get that thought out of your head right now. Anyways, as far as HDTVs and quality is concerned, I would stay away from the black Friday bargain basement deals and focus on what I can find on Amazon or places like that.
  12. My black Friday was awesome. Started at 6pm at HEB Plus, 1st in line, to get a 3rd generation iPod touch. When I got to the section where they had them, I realized that they were doing the 4th generation touches, which meant that this was the best deal for a iPod touch probably in the country. Had to run across town to the only OfficeMax that carried the Vizio TVS, they only had one 26 inch in, and I was lucky to grab it as the 2 people in front of me only wanted the Acer laptops. Another great black Friday for me.
  13. Major, MAJOR blunder (or perk) from HEB Plus stores today. They only had the latest generation iPod touches, and they sold them for $149, not the advertised 3rd Gen model. A great deal.
  14. Any leaks on this? I don't feel like waiting for tomorrow.
  15. They will be accounted for by then. Go get in line tomorrow night or early thursday.
  16. The $198 laptops are usually accounted for by noon on Thanksgiving, and the latest. All of the extra items will be ticketed.
  17. She is probably just talking. Most store employees will not find out which items are going to be on sale until the weekend before. PS, the Wally World store I went to only had 5 of the 26 inchers in...was each store kinda low on those as well? (I did get mines, I was just asking)
  18. it said in store only on tbe 'web flyer'.
  19. I'm debating between the 3 Walmart Laptops...the ones for $198,$298 and $398. I like the specs and the fact that the 398 has a LED display AND HDMI Out. However it is unclear that the 298 one has HDMI out or not. And the price of the eMachiene is also intreiging. I also plan to hook up a External BluRay burner as well to make whatever laptop I get a HD system, with Netflix streaming. Any help?
  20. Wallyworld has 2 Vizios that have the specs Im looking for, one for 549, one for 649.
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